Native Exif | Coderz Product


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native exif

native_exif #
A simple EXIF metadata reader/writer for Flutter using native functions from iOS and Android.
Usage #
First create a EXIF reader instance by reading out an image path:
final exif = await Exif.fromPath(pickedFile!.path);
copied to clipboard
Reading attributes #
Now you can run either pre-defined functions or get all attributes:
final originalDate = await exif.getOriginalDate();
final latLong = await exif.getLatLong();
final attribute = await exif.getAttribute("key");
final attributes = await exif.getAttributes();
copied to clipboard
Writing attributes #
It is possible to write raw EXIF data of type String to specific EXIF keys.
The keys are limited to the EXIF keys provided by the platform. See "Platform notes" for more details.
await exif.writeAttribute("key", "value");
await exif.writeAttributes({"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"});
copied to clipboard
Close the exif interface #
await exif.close();
copied to clipboard
Platform notes #
This plugin does only work on iOS and Android. Other platforms are not yet supported.
Android #
This plugin uses the androidx ExifInterface.

Only specific EXIF and GPS attributes are supported. Please look for val tags = ... at android/src/main/kotlin/com/cloudacy/native_exif/NativeExifPlugin.kt for a list of supported attributes.

All raw attribute values must be of type String.

Currently this plugin can only write ASCII characters correctly due to ExifInterface limitations.

Values for GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude can be written as negative values but will be returned as positive values. Use GPSLatitudeRef and GPSLongitudeRef or getLatLong() to determine the correct coordinates.
iOS #

Only specific EXIF and GPS attributes are supported. Please look at EXIF dictionary keys and GPS dictionary keys for supported attributes.

Please note that all GPS dictionary keys need to be prefixed with GPS.
For example: kCGImagePropertyGPSLatitude == "Latitude", which equals to "GPSLatitude" in native_exif.
Values for GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude should be of type String and can be written as negative values but will be returned as positive values. Use GPSLatitudeRef and GPSLongitudeRef or getLatLong() to determine the correct coordinates.
API Docs #
For code docs, you can use the automatically generated reference on
Example #
For a better usage example, see the example folder or use the example page on


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