Native Video View Null Safe | Coderz Product


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native video view null safe

native_video_view #
A video player widget displayed using the platform native player
(VideoView in Android and AVPlayer in iOS).

Disclaimer #
This plugin uses VideoView because in some devices the ExoPlayer plugin
is not working correctly (due to decoders or something) and VideoView is
a reasonable alternative. In iOS is sorta similar to Google's
video_player so you should use
their plugin if you want a player for iOS only.
Installation #
First you need to add the dependency in your pubspec.yaml.
native_video_view: ^0.3.0
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Then import the plugin in the .dart file you want to use it.
import 'package:native_video_view/native_video_view.dart';
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Android #
You need to add the necessary permissions to play the videos. If
you are playing videos from the internet, you need to add the internet
permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml located in the android
folder in your project.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
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If you are going to play videos from the device storage, you need
to add the storage permissions.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
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iOS #
In this platform you need to configure some options in your
Info.plist file. This file is located in <project-root>/ios/Runner/ Info.plist.
First add the embedded views configuration.
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If you want to play videos from the internet add the following.
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Usage #
This plugin has a widget to use in your dart files. Example:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Plugin example app'),
body: Container(
child: NativeVideoView(
keepAspectRatio: true,
showMediaController: true,
onCreated: (controller) {
sourceType: VideoSourceType.asset,
onPrepared: (controller, info) {;
onError: (controller, what, extra, message) {
print('Player Error ($what | $extra | $message)');
onCompletion: (controller) {
print('Video completed');
onProgress: (progress, duration) {
print('$progress | $duration');
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keepAspectRatio: Wraps the video player in a AspectRatio widget.
The aspect ratio is calculated once the video is loaded. By default the
aspect ratio is 4/3.
showMediaController: Shows a default media controller overlay
in the video player widget.
enableVolumeControl: Adds an option in the MediaController to control the volume of the
useExoPlayer: Use ExoPlayer as the underlying player.
Android Only.
autoHide: Automatically hides the media controller after
a few seconds of no use. Default is true.
autoHideTime: The time after which the controller is hidden.
Default is 2 seconds.
onCreated: (required) Callback called when the PlatformView is
finished creating.
onPrepared: (required) Callback called when the player has
finished loading the video.
onCompletion: (required) Callback called when the video reached
the end.
onError: Callback called if an error occurs in the player.
onProgress: Callback used to notify progress in the video
AudioFocus #
To make the player get the audio focus of the system you just have to use the setting
requestAudioFocus when setting the video source. See the example below.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return NativeVideoView(
onCreated: (controller) {
requestAudioFocus: true,
sourceType: VideoSourceType.asset,
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