Nats Dart | Coderz Product


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nats dart

nats.dart #
A Dart client for NATS, a lightweight, high-performance cloud native messaging system

Note: this package is still in pre-release and not all features/functionalities are yet implemented. #
Usage #
// create a connection
var client = await Client.connectSingle(natsHost, username: natsUsername, password: natsPassword);

// subscribe to a topic
client.subscribe('myTopic', handler: (DataMessage message, {NatsError error}) {'ooh, looky! A message for meeeeeee! ::: ${message.decodedPayload}');

// publish a message
await client.publish('myTopic', payload: 'this is an event on topic: myTopic')); // -- let the client encode it for us (with the default encoder (ascii))

// publish a message with a custom encoding
await client.publish('myTopic', payload: 'this is another event on topic: myTopic'), encoding: utf8); // -- specify our own encoding

// publish a message of raw bytes
var alreadyEncodedMessageBytes = ascii.encode('this is a pre-encoded event on topic: myTopic');
await client.publish('myTopic', payload: alreadyEncodedMessageBytes, encoding: null); // -- passing a null-encoding tells the client encoding has already been done
copied to clipboard
See example files for more awesomeness.

Note: this package is still in pre-release and not all features/functionalities are yet implemented. #
Contributors and PRs welcome! #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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