Odoo Provider Builder | Coderz Product


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odoo provider builder

Odoo Provider Builder #
Since it's too much writing to implement IOdooModel using odoo_provider, i develop this package. So, writing model will become easily.
Please add this package as dev dependency to your project
Usage #

Create your model with structure like following [example: user.dart]

import 'package:odoo_provider/odoo_provider.dart';

part 'user.g.dart'; //this is required

@OdooModel(className: "User", tableName: "res.users", columns: [
DbColumn(name: "id", type: int),
DbColumn(name: "login", type: String),
DbColumn(name: "name", type: String)
void _;
copied to clipboard

and then run following command:

flutter pub run build_runner build
copied to clipboard
if above command run successfully, you'll see file user.g.dart
if you want to know more about above command, you can checkout at source_gen
Example #
You can checkout folder in example\test


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