Open App File | Coderz Product


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open app file

open_file #

A plugin to open files the app has permission to access with default system-provided applications.
Supports Android, iOS, Web, Linux, macOS and Windows.
Fork info #
The library is forked from open_file by crazecoder
This version:

does not include REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission on Android, so cannot install .apk's
does not include READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission on Android
has completely rewritten Android implementation for more robust permission checks
has deprecated explicit list of MIME types, UTI's, and Linux launch options
web implementation is changed (see below)

The main use case for the plugin is opening a generated or downloaded file with a default system application (see example).
Usage #
Add open_file as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
open_app_file: ^lastVersion
copied to clipboard
Example #
import 'package:open_app_file/open_app_file.dart';'/sdcard/example.txt');

// You can provide overrides for MIME type (Android) and/or UTI (iOS). This is not necessary
// in most cases, but if you know that the file extension does not match its content, you can
// help the system to provide correct response to your request.'/sdcard/', mimeType: 'text/plain', uti: 'public.plain-text');
copied to clipboard
Behavior on Android #
While the main purpose of the plugin is opening files owned by the host app, it is possible
to open any file even considering Android 11 scoped storage limitations
(see official docs).
The plugin will not provide any tools for requesting permissions to prevent declaring
them in the Manifest for apps that don't need to handle this case.
An attempt to open a file with no permissions granted will produce an appropriate result
See more details and instructions on how to test permission conditions in the example app.
Behavior on web #
Direct local file access is generally discouraged on web, therefore we chose the approach that in
most cases is the most logical web alternative: imitate user clicking on an element that targets the requested file.
For most files it will result in browser downloading the requested file immediately.
Some file types, like images, texts, or videos might be opened directly, so the library adds target: _blank attribute
to prevent user from leaving the application by accident.
The important limitation of this approach is that there's no way to check file type or availability
beforehand, so on web the open call always succeeds.
Check the example app for general idea on how app-generated or remote files can be handled on web.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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