Opentdb Client | Coderz Product


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opentdb client

opentdb_client #

Unofficial client for Open Trivia Quiz API ( Use of this API does not require a API Key
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Getting Started #
To install the opentdb_client package, add it to the dependencies section of the pubspec.yaml file. You can find the latest version of the http package the

opentdb_client: <latest_version>

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In your AndroidManifest.xml file, add the Internet permission.

<!-- Required to fetch data from the internet. -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

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Import the opentdb_client package.

import 'package:opentdb_client/opentdb_client.dart';

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Get list of all quiz categories such as Films, Books, Computers, Sports etc...

// Each category has name and id
final List<OpentdbCategoryItem> categories = OpentdbRepository.fetchCategories();

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Get a quiz for Film category, difficulty easy, 20 questions, every question has 4 options (multiple) and one correct answer

Future<List<OpentdbQuizItem>> fetchQuiz() async {
List<OpentdbQuizItem> quizItems = [];
// First of all get all categories. (this is not HTTP call)
final List<OpentdbCategoryItem> categories =
// Find a category for films and get its id
final OpentdbCategoryItem quizCategory =
categories.where((element) => == 'Film').first;
// Make http request to get a quiz
try {
quizItems = await OpentdbRepository.fetchQuiz(
amount: 20,
difficulty: OpentdbQuizDifficalty.EASY,
type: OpentdbQuizType.MULTIPLE,
} catch (e) {
print('Something went wrong ${e.toString()}')
return quizItems;

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Get a random quiz, responses with list of questions from diffirent categoreis
quizItems = await OpentdbRepository.fetchQuiz(
amount: 20,
difficulty: OpentdbQuizDifficalty.EASY,
type: OpentdbQuizType.MULTIPLE,

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