Openvpn Flutter | Coderz Product


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openvpn flutter

Connect OpenVPN service with Flutter, Issues and PRs are very welcome!
Android Setup #
1. Permission handler #
Add this to your onActivityResult in (if you are using Java)
OpenVPNFlutterPlugin.connectWhileGranted(requestCode == 24 && resultCode == RESULT_OK);
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So it look like this
import id.laskarmedia.openvpn_flutter.OpenVPNFlutterPlugin;

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
OpenVPNFlutterPlugin.connectWhileGranted(requestCode == 24 && resultCode == RESULT_OK);
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
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Add this to your onAcivityResult in MainActivity.kt (if you are using Kotlin)
OpenVPNFlutterPlugin.connectWhileGranted(requestCode == 24 && resultCode == RESULT_OK);
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So it look like this
import id.laskarmedia.openvpn_flutter.OpenVPNFlutterPlugin
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
OpenVPNFlutterPlugin.connectWhileGranted(requestCode == 24 && resultCode == RESULT_OK)
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
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iOS Setup #
1. Add Capabillity #
Add 2 capabillity on Runner's Target, App Groups and Network Extensions, Look at the image below to get clearer details

2. Add New Target #
Click + button on bottom left, Choose NETWORK EXTENSION, and follow instruction's image bellow

Add Capabillity on VPNExtension, Do it same like Runner's Capabillitiy

3. Copy Paste #
Add the following lines to your Podfile (ios/Podfile)
target 'VPNExtension' do
pod 'OpenVPNAdapter', :git => '', :tag => '0.8.0'
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Open VPNExtension > PacketTunnelProvider.swift and copy paste this script PacketTunnelProvider.swift

Note #
You must use iOS Devices instead of Simulator to connect
Recipe #
Initialize #
Before start, you have to initialize the OpenVPN plugin.
late OpenVPN openvpn;

void initState() {
openvpn = OpenVPN(onVpnStatusChanged: _onVpnStatusChanged, onVpnStageChanged: _onVpnStageChanged);
groupIdentifier: "GROUP_IDENTIFIER", ///Example ''
providerBundleIdentifier: "NETWORK_EXTENSION_IDENTIFIER", ///Example 'id.laskarmedia.openvpnFlutterExample.VPNExtension'
localizedDescription: "LOCALIZED_DESCRIPTION" ///Example 'Laskarmedia VPN'

void _onVpnStatusChanged(VPNStatus? vpnStatus){
this.status = vpnStatus;

void _onVpnStageChanged(VPNStage? stage){
this.stage = stage;

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Connect to VPN #
void connect() {
username: username,
password: password,
bypassPackages: [],
// In iOS connection can stuck in "connecting" if this flag is "false".
// Solution is to switch it to "true".
certIsRequired: false,
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Disconnect #
void disconnect(){
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Publishing to Play Store and App Store #
Android #

You can use appbundle to publish the app
Add this to your files in android folder (special thanks to Otherwise connection will not be
established in some cases and will siliently report "disconnected" when trying to connect. Most likely it's related to some symbols stripping by
Google Play. > android.bundle.enableUncompressedNativeLibs=false
AndroidManifest > android:extractNativeLibs="true" in application tag
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app/build.gradle add these inside android tag

//from here ======
lintOptions {
disable 'InvalidPackage'
checkReleaseBuilds false

packagingOptions {
jniLibs {
useLegacyPackaging = true

bundle {
language {
enableSplit = false
density {
enableSplit = false
abi {
enableSplit = false
//to here
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As the plugin shows notification for connection status and connection detail, you have to request permission by using 3rd-party packages.
Example by using permission_handler
///Put it anywhere you wish like once you initialize the vpn or pre-connect the server
Permission.notification.isGranted.then((_) {
if (!_) Permission.notification.request();
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iOS #

View Apple Guidelines Relating to VPN
This plugin DOES use Encryption BUT, It uses Exempt Encryptions

Licenses #

openvpn_flutter for this plugin
ics-openvpn for Android Engine
OpenVPNAdapter for iOS Engine

Love my work? #
Don't forget to give me a 👍  or support me with a cup of ☕️


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