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optimizely plugin
optimizely_plugin #
Flutter plugin for Optimizely native SDKs
Getting Started #
Currently Optimizely does not offer a dedicated flutter SDK. This flutter plugin is bridging the gap between a flutter application and the native optimizely FULL STACK SDKs for Android and iOS.
Usage #
This plugin is work in progress and as of right now has a very limited functionality focused on solely on Optimizely rollouts.
Two functions are supported:isFeatureEnabled and getAllFeatureVariables.
import 'package:optimizely_plugin/optimizely_plugin.dart';
await OptimizelyPlugin.initOptimizelyManager('your_optimizely_sdk_key');
bool featureEnabled = await OptimizelyPlugin.isFeatureEnabled('your_flag', '');
Map<String, dynamic> variables = await OptimizelyPlugin.getAllFeatureVariables(
{'attribute_key': attribute_value},
String variable_value = variables['variable_name'];
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The example application shows how to use these functions in more detail. Before you can run the sample application you would need to:
create Optimizely rollouts project and get the SDK key for the environment you want to test
create a simple flag
create a flag with variables
Installation #
Add optimizely_plugin as a dependency in your project's pubspec.yaml
optimizely_plugin: ^0.1.0
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Then run flutter pub get in your project directory
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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