Palace | Coderz Product


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Queen Palace 🏰👑 #
Introduction #
server side dart micro-framework to handle incoming http requests
hello world app #
Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
final palace = Palace();
palace.get('/greet_the_queen', (req, res) => res.send('Long Live The Queen 👑'));
await palace.openGates();
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hello world with decoration #
decoration will help you split your code to parts or modules easily making the application easy to maintain
void main(List<String> args) async {
final palace = Palace();
await palace.openGates();

class MainController extends PalaceController {
MainController() : super('/');

void greeTheQueen(Request req, Response res) {
return res.send('Long Live The Queen 👑');
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Core Parts #
Palace class #

register routes and the call back for each route
use guards 'palace.use(CORSGuard())' for example
open the server
close the server

Request class #
wrapper class around dart:io HttpRequest with extra functions and getters to make your life easier.
Response class #
wrapper class around dart:io HttpResponse with extra functions and getters also to make the same life easier .
some of these functions are

res.json(data?) will convert the given data to JSON and sent it back to the user
res.file(path) give it path and it will give the file to the user
res.notFound(data?) => 404
res.internalServerError(data?) => 500
res.accepted(data?) => 200
res.created(data?) => 201

and so on....
Middleware aka Guard 💂‍♂️ #
a simple function

return void
takes any parameters you want starting from 0 parameters or the entire parameters list (see the parameters list down below)
guards considered as extra layer before the Handlers layers
they can be registered for specific route or as global guard for any kind of requests
they can response to incoming requests since they have access to the incoming request
they can preform any kind of logic before or after the handler be triggered

PalaceException class #
you can throw them from any where from your application
so guards can and handlers can or even the services can throw them
but what will happened then ?
the palace will catch the exception format it to json including the given data object - if one was provided -
and end the request life cycle

here some of them

Callback Parameters #
if you are using the decoration you can get extra push to your endpoint callback or the guards
you can extract these type of data from the incoming request

without decorations you can get access to the incoming request or the response by declaring the type of them

void sayHi(Request req,Response Res) {
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need to aces the request body directly and strong typed ?
use @Body() decorator
class SignUpBody{
late String name;
late String email;
late String password;
void signUp(Request req,Response Res,@Body() SignUpBody body) {
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need to access specific value from the body ?
@Body('key') String email
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the same goes for
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if you are building a guard use
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to get access to the next callback


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