Passcode Screen | Coderz Product


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passcode screen

Flutter - Passcode Lock Screen #
A Flutter package for iOS and Android for showing passcode input screen, similar to Native iOS.

Installation #
First add passcode_screen as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Then use import
import 'package:passcode_screen/passcode_screen.dart';
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What can it do for you? #

Create a beautiful passcode lock view simply.

title: title,
passwordEnteredCallback: _onPasscodeEntered,
cancelButton: Text('Cancel'),
deleteButton: Text('Delete'),
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Passcode input completed callback.

_onPasscodeEntered(String enteredPasscode) {

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Notify passcode screen if passcode correct or not

final StreamController<bool> _verificationNotifier = StreamController<bool>.broadcast();

_onPasscodeEntered(String enteredPasscode) {
bool isValid = '123456' == enteredPassword;

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Don't forget to close a stream
void dispose() {

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Customize UI.

Customize circles
class CircleUIConfig {
final Color borderColor;
final Color fillColor;
final double borderWidth;
final double circleSize;
double extraSize;
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Customize keyboard
class KeyboardUIConfig {
final double digitSize;
final TextStyle digitTextStyle;
final TextStyle deleteButtonTextStyle;
final Color primaryColor;
final Color digitFillColor;
final EdgeInsetsGeometry keyboardRowMargin;
final EdgeInsetsGeometry deleteButtonMargin;
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Landscape Support #

iOS & Android #
Plugin is totally platform agnostic. No configuration required - the plugin should work out of the box.
Contributions #
Warmly welcome to submit a pull request!
Passcode Lock Screen #
Passcode Lock Screen is owned and maintained by Redeyes Dev
Used in production #
Passkeep - Passwords Keeper
Contributors #
Vladimir Hudnitsky
Relase notes: #
1.0.0+1: #
Basic implementation of a widget.

You could show a widget, enter passcode and validate it.

1.0.1 #

Added isValidCallback to help you handle success scenario. isValidCallback will be invoked after passcode screen will pop.

1.0.2 #

Added configurable background and title color. (by @BeDaut)
Added cancelCallback to react when user cancelled widget (by @mix1009)

1.1.0 #

Provide widget instead of string for title
Fixed digits layout
Added flexibility to configure 'Cancel' and 'Delete' buttons as widgets
Added flexibility to provide digits as list of strings for better customisation
Removed navigation as default action when cancel pressed

1.1.1 #

Add landscape view for the passcode screen

1.2.0 #

Add dynamic size for landscape view.
Moved 'Cancel' button to the bottom of the screen to align with iOS Native Passcode Screen style.

1.2.1 #

Example updated to target Android 11
Fixed Issue#23

1.2.2 #

Fixed an issue with example build
Example updated to show how to implement 'Reset passcode' feature

2.0.0 #

Null safety


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