Paynow Bloc | Coderz Product


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paynow bloc

Paynow Bloc #
An extension of the Paynow Package implemented as a Bloc for easy payment integration with Paynow.
This package aims to improve integration of Payments (Paynow) by handling all the Paynow requests and cleaning up under the hood. Focus on the UI side of things
Features #

Cart Implementation
Serverless Payments
Auto Transaction Status Checking -> only listen for state changes
Streamable Cart List -> (great for animations)

Getting Started #
For a full example. Please refer to this functional example app example. #
Paynow Bloc #
An extension of the Paynow Package implemented as a Bloc for easy payment integration with Paynow.
This package aims to improve integration of Payments (Paynow) by handling all the Paynow requests and cleaning up under the hood. Focus on the UI side of things
Snippet #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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