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pip clients email
Email Microservice Client SDK for Dart #
This is a Dart client SDK for pip-services-email microservice.
It provides an easy to use abstraction over communication protocols:
HTTP client
Direct client for monolythic deployments
Null client to be used in testing
In addition to the microservice functionality the client SDK supports message templates
that can be configured by client user.
Quick Links:
Development Guide
API Version 1
Install #
Add pip-services3-commons-dart and pip_clients_email packages
import 'package:pip_services3_commons/pip_services3_commons.dart';
import 'package:pip_clients_email/pip_clients_email.dart';
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Use #
Define client configuration parameters that match configuration of the microservice external API
// Client configuration
var config = ConfigParams.fromTuples(
"connection.protocol", "http",
"", "localhost",
"connection.port", 8080
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Instantiate the client and open connection to the microservice
// Create the client instance
var client = EmailHttpClientV1(config);
// Connect to the microservice
// Work with the microservice
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Now the client is ready to perform operations
// Send email message to address
var message = EmailMessageV1(to: '',
subject: '{{subject}}',
text: '{{text}}',
html: '<p>{{text}}</p>');
var parameters = ConfigParams.fromTuples([
'subject', 'Test Email To Address',
'text', 'This is just a test'
await client.sendMessage(
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// Send email message to users
var recipient1 = EmailRecipientV1(id: '1', email: '');
var recipient2 = EmailRecipientV1(id: '2', email: '');
var message = EmailMessageV1(subject: 'Test',
text: 'This is a test message. Please, ignore it');
await client.sendMessageToRecipients(
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To use templates for sent messages you need to put template files
under configured template folder. Inside template you shall use <%= property %> syntax
to insert properties from provided content defined in client configuration and request parameters.
Example of message.txt template
Hello <%= user_name %>!
This is a test message from <%= client_name %> sent on <%= today %>.
Please, ignore it.
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Example of message.html template
Hello <%= user_name %>!
This is a test message from <%= client_name %> sent on <%= today %>.
Please, ignore it.
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Now you can send a message using the templates stored in files.
subjectTemplate, textTemplate and htmlTemplate parameters shall contain the template file paths.
Client will automatically load their content and parse.
// Send email message to address using template
var message = EmailMessageV1(to: '',
subject: File('./templates/message_subject.txt').readAsStringSync(),
text: File('./templates/message.txt').readAsStringSync(),
html: File('./templates/message.html').readAsStringSync());
var parameters = ConfigParams.fromTuples([
'user_name', 'Somebody',
await client.sendMessage(
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This microservice was created and currently maintained by
Sergey Seroukhov
Denis Kuznetsov
Nuzhnykh Egor.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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