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A wrapper around Dart's http package, which supports Manageable Requests Cancellation, Request Policy (Timeout and Retry), Easier Multipart Requests, Error Handling, etc.
Using #
Using Postor is actually almost the same as using the http package. But, instead of defining the URL on every request, Postor gives us the ability to set the default base URL, so that we just need to define the endpoint(s).
And one of the best ways to using it is to initialize its instance somewhere, whether as a singleton or as an instance in a class or something like that.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:postor/postor.dart';
class MyApi {
// note: I'm not endorsing this url, so use this at your own risk!
static const String baseUrl = '';
static const String usersEndpoint = '/users';
// this creates a new instance of Postor with the default
// Request Policies of 10 seconds Timeout and 3 times Retry Attempts
final Postor postor = Postor(baseUrl);
// we can also initiate Postor with our own Request Policies
// final Postor postor = Postor(
// baseUrl,
// defaultTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 1),
// retryPolicy: const RetryOptions(maxAttempts: 10),
// );
Future<List<User>> getUsers() async {
final response = await postor.get(usersEndpoint);
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
throw transformStatusCodeToException(
statusCode: response.statusCode,
responseBody: response.body,
final rawUsersList = json.decode(response.body) as List;
return {
return User.fromMap(user as Map<String, dynamic>);
class User {
const User({
required this.username,
final int id;
final String username;
factory User.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
return User(
id: map['id'],
username: map['username'],
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The method body of getUsers can actually be simplified to
// use the `get<T>(expectedStatusCode)` extension to parse the
// response body to T (e.g. List or Map).
// by using this, we also no longer need to check the status code for
// throwing exceptions based on the status code
// since the extension already handles it.
// note: by default the [expectedStatusCode] is set to 200.
// so if we expect other status code, we just need to set it.
// for example:
// final response = await postor.get(usersEndpoint).get<List>(201);
final response = await postor.get(usersEndpoint).get<List>();
return => User.fromMap(u as Map<String, dynamic>)).toList();
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Now based on the above example, we can add another method to MyApi class that can cancel the request made by getUsers.
void cancelGetUsers() {
// postor will use the base URL + endpoint + parameters as the
// cancellation token
postor.cancel(baseUrl + usersEndpoint);
// or if we're on strong analyzer mode,
// which will suggest us to use string interpolation instead:
// postor.cancel('$baseUrl$usersEndpoint');
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One thing to remember that we can only request one specific URL per execution. So besure to check it first before requesting the same URL again, otherwise it will throw an AssertionError.
Now how do we check that getUsers has completed or not? There are many possible ways to achieve this, but we'll talk about 2 possible solutions.
example solution 1 #
final List<User> users = [];
final MyApi myApi = MyApi();
void main() {
// we can have a boolean variable that can be checked later by
// [requestUsers] method below
bool isGetUsersRunning = false;
Future<void> requestUsers() async {
if(isGetUsersRunning) return;
isGetUsersRunning = true;
final usersList = await myApi.getUsers();
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example solution 2 #
// we can utilize CTManager
// read more about it here:
import 'package:ctmanager/ctmanager.dart';
final List<User> users = [];
final MyApi myApi = MyApi();
void main() {
// instead of creating another variable, we just need to check
// whether the get users URL exists in CTManager or not.
Future<void> requestUsers() async {
const getUsersURL = MyApi.baseUrl + MyApi.usersEndpoint;
// since we didn't specify anything in Postor's `ctManager`
// parameter, our Postor in MyApi will use CTManager.I instead.
final usersList = await myApi.getUsers();
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Next, to create a Multipart Request, e.g. image(s) uploading, there is Postor's multiPart method.
import 'package:postor/postor.dart';
final postor = Postor('');
void main() {
Future<void> postImageAndFields() async {
final fields = {
'name': 'my name',
'age': '99',
final files = {
'avatar': PFileFromPath('path_to_avatar_image', filename: 'avatar.png'),
'avatar_small': PFileFromPath('path_to_avatar_small_image'),
// for file bytes
// 'avatar_bytes': PFileFromBytes(avatar_bytes),
final response = await postor.multiPart(
// we don't need to specify the method if it's POST,
// since it's the default value.
// method: 'POST',
fields: fields,
files: files,
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And to cancel it, just call
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or with CTManager
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Note: Postor handles files processing in an isolate, and both file processing and multipart request are cancelable.
Lastly, there's a new feature: catchIt. This might be useful for reducing line of codes in methods that have try-catch.
import 'package:postor/postor.dart';
import 'package:postor/error_handler.dart' as eh;
final Postor postor = Postor('');
Future<void> getResponse() async {
try {
final response = await postor.get('/test').get<List>();
throw SomeError();
print('response: $response');
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
error: error,
stackTrace: stackTrace,
otherErrorMessage: 'Failed to get response from /test',
onCatch: _onError,
void _onError(String errorMessage) {
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Don't forget to initialize the error message handler before using catchIt, e.g. in main.dart
void main() {
initErrorMessages((Object error, StackTrace? stackTrace, String? otherErrorMessage) {
if(error is TimeoutException) {
return 'Operation timeout'.
return otherErrorMessage ?? 'An unknown error occurred.'
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Alternatively, there's [defaultErrorMessageHandler] that can be used.
void main() {
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