Powersync | Coderz Product


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PowerSync SDK for Dart/Flutter #
PowerSync is a Postgres-SQLite sync layer, which helps developers to create local-first real-time reactive apps that work seamlessly both online and offline.
This package (powersync) is the PowerSync client SDK for Dart/Flutter.
See a summary of features here.
Installation #
flutter pub add powersync
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Getting Started #
Our full SDK reference contains everything you need to know to get started implementing PowerSync in your project.
_ Web support - Open alpha _ #
Web support in version 1.6.0 is currently in its alpha stage. This README has been updated to reflect changes relevant to this alpha release.
Demo app #
The easiest way to test out the alpha is to run the Supabase Todo-List demo app:

Checkout this repo's master branch.

Note: If you are an existing user updating to the latest code after a git pull, run melos exec 'flutter pub upgrade' in the repo's root and make sure it succeeds.

Run melos prepare in the repo's root
cd into the demos/supabase-todolist folder
If you haven’t yet: cp lib/app_config_template.dart lib/app_config.dart (optionally update this config with your own Supabase and PowerSync project details).
Run flutter run -d chrome

Installing PowerSync in your own project #
Install the latest version of the package, for example:
flutter pub add powersync:'^1.6.0'
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The latest version can be found here.
Additional config #
Web support requires sqlite3.wasm and powersync_db.worker.js assets to be served from the web application. They can be downloaded to the web directory by running the following command in your application's root folder.
dart run powersync:setup_web
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The same code is used for initializing native and web PowerSyncDatabase clients.
Limitations #
The API for web is essentially the same as for native platforms. Some features within PowerSyncDatabase clients are not available.
Multiple tab support is not yet available. Using multiple tabs will break.
Flutter Web does not support importing directly from sqlite3.dart as it uses dart:ffi.
Change imports from
import 'package/powersync/sqlite3.dart`
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import 'package/powersync/sqlite3_common.dart'
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In code which needs to run on the Web platform. Isolated native specific code can still import from sqlite3.dart.
Database connections
Web DB connections do not support concurrency. A single DB connection is used. readLock and writeLock contexts do not
implement checks for preventing writable queries in read connections and vice-versa.
Direct access to the synchronous CommonDatabase (sqlite.Database equivalent for web) connection is not available. computeWithDatabase is not available on web.
Changelog #
A changelog for this SDK is available here.
API Reference #
The full API reference for this SDK can be found here.
Examples #
For example projects built with PowerSync and Flutter, see our Demo Apps / Example Projects gallery. Most of these projects can also be found in the demos/ directory.
Found a bug or need help? #

Join our Discord server where you can browse topics from our community, ask questions, share feedback, or just say hello :)
Please open a GitHub issue when you come across a bug.
Have feedback or an idea? Submit an idea via our public roadmap or schedule a chat with someone from our product team.


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