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profile wheel
profile_wheel #
Flutter package to help you create your customized profile wheel.
There are many options available to customize the wheel. The following example only covers the
required parameters. But it is possible to set all colors/shades etc.
Getting Started #
itemConfig: WheelItemConfig(
icon1: Icons.monetization_on,
onTapCallback1: () {},
shadowOffset1: Offset(-2, -2),
title1: "123 Coins",
icon2: Icons.person_add_alt_1,
onTapCallback2: () {},
shadowOffset2: Offset(2, -2),
title2: "5 Friends",
icon3: Icons.post_add,
onTapCallback3: () {},
shadowOffset3: Offset(-4, 8),
title3: "7 Posts",
icon4: Icons.add_moderator,
onTapCallback4: () {},
shadowOffset4: Offset(4, 8),
title4: "3 Badges",
dividerColor: Colors.grey[300],
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
dividerWeight: 1,
preSelected: 3,
imageProvider: NetworkImage(""),
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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