Ranked List | Coderz Product


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ranked list

ranked_list #
A tiny library allows you to create ranked list view ex: Leaderboard
Issues and Pull Requests are really appreciated!
Showcase #

Include to your project #
In your pubspec.yaml root add:
ranked_list: ^0.0.1
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Include #
The library does provide StatefulWidget which is called RankedList.
Include the widget like this:
import 'package:ranked_list/ranked_list.dart';
Usage #
Use it as you'd use any widget:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return RankedList(
itemBuilder: (context, index) => ListItem(),
rank: 25,
itemCount: 50,
itemHeight: 56,
topItem: TopItem(),
bottomItem: BottomItem(),
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RankedList uses scroll controller behind the scenes so you can't add your own scroll controller to the list as of now.
Properties #
There are 4 required fields:

itemHeight is the size of each item in the list. This is required so rank calculations will work correctly.
rank is the position of the ranked item.
itemBuilder works like a regular Flutter builder all of us are familiar with. It will pass you the context, current item index and some additional data.
itemCount - Children count as in a ListView.

The data which can be provided additionally are:

showTop - Decides whether to snap the ranked item at the top or not.
showBottom - Decides whether to snap the ranked item at the bottom or not.
topItem - The top snapping widget.
bottomItem - The bottom snapping widget.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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