Rounded Loading Button Plus | Coderz Product


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rounded loading button plus

rounded_loading_button_plus #

RoundedLoadingButton is a Flutter package with a simple implementation of an animated loading button, complete with success and error animations.

Installation #
Add this to your pubspec.yaml:
rounded_loading_button_plus: ^2.0.8
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Usage #
Import #
import 'package:rounded_loading_button_plus/rounded_loading_button_plus.dart';
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Simple Implementation #
final RoundedLoadingButtonController _btnController = RoundedLoadingButtonController();

void _doSomething() async {
Timer(Duration(seconds: 3), () {

child: Text('Tap me!', style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white)),
controller: _btnController,
onPressed: _doSomething,
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The Rounded Loading Button has many configurable properties, including:

duration - The duration of the button animation
loaderSize - The size of the CircularProgressIndicator
animateOnTap - Whether to trigger the loading animation on the tap event
resetAfterDuration - Reset the animation after specified duration, defaults to 15 seconds
errorColor - The color of the button when it is in the error state
successColor - The color of the button when it is in the success state
successIcon - The icon for the success state
failedIcon - The icon for the failed state

Contributions #
All contributions are welcome!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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