Routerino | Coderz Product


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Routerino #

This opinionated package provides extension methods for BuildContext to push and pop routes.
Philosophy #
➤ NO to a verbose declarative pattern like in go_router

Having all routes in one place is good but this information is already available if you write all routes in views/ or pages/.
Furthermore, you often find yourself jumping between several files to either find the parameters
or to find the widget.

➤ NO to build_runner

This is necessary for type-safety, but it slows down development and decreases the developer UX.

➤ YES to type-safety

We call widget constructors directly. Don't pass arbitrary objects via route settings!

➤ YES to sentry integration

Every route will have a name based on its class name. This is useful for sentry.


I just want to push a widget and that's it!

Motivation #
The problems without using this package:

Pushing a new route requires lots of boilerplate.
Adding a name to the route requires you to write names twice (redundancy).

builder: (_) => LoginPage(),
settings: RouteSettings(name: 'LoginPage'), // so redundant!
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Now you only need to write:
context.push(() => LoginPage());
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Usage #
// push a route
context.push(() => MyPage());

// push a route (no animation)
context.pushImmediately(() => MyPage());

// push a route while removing all others
context.pushRoot(() => MyPage());

// push a route and remove the current one
context.pushReplacement(() => MyPage());

// push a route while removing all others (without animation)
context.pushRootImmediately(() => MyPage());

// push a route and removes all routes until the specified one
removeUntil: LoginPage,
builder: () => MyPage(),

// push a bottom sheet
context.pushBottomSheet(() => MySheet());

// pop the most recent route

// pop until the specified page

// pop until the first page

// remove a route from the stack

// push a route and wait for a result (type-safe)
final result = await context.pushWithResult<int, PickNumberPage>(() => PickNumberPage());
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Initial Route #
It is recommended to add a RouterinoHome widget to your app.
This prevents having an unnamed initial route which causes trouble if you want to use popUntil.
title: 'Flutter Example',
home: RouterinoHome( // <-- add this
builder: () => MyHomePage(),

context.popUntil(MyHomePage); // <-- works now
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Global BuildContext #
Sometimes you want to push a route while you don't have access to BuildContext. There is a pragmatic way to solve this problem.
title: 'Flutter Example',
navigatorKey: Routerino.navigatorKey, // <-- add this
home: RouterinoHome(
builder: () => MyHomePage(),
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Access global context:
Routerino.context.push(() => MyPage());
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Transitions #
You can configure the transition globally or per invocation.
// Set globally
Routerino.transition = RouterinoTransition.fade;

// uses "fade" transition
context.push(() => LoginPage());

// uses "noTransition" transition
context.push(() => RegisterPage(), transition: RouterinoTransition.noTransition);
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Available transitions: material (default), cupertino, noTransition, fade, slide, slideJoined.
Type-safe Results #
You can push a route and wait for a result while achieving a high degree of type-safety.
You need to specify the exact generic type until gets resolved.
Push a route:
final result = await context.pushWithResult<int, PickNumberPage>(() => PickNumberPage());
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Specify the widget:
// add PopsWithResult<int> for type-safety
class PickNumberPage extends StatelessWidget with PopsWithResult<int> {
const PickNumberPage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () {
// use the type-safe popWithResult method
popWithResult(context, 123);
child: Text('Pick Number'),
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Sentry #
You want it to look like this?

navigatorObservers: [
SentryNavigatorObserver(), // add this
home: const InitPage(),
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Obfuscation #
Routes do not have the correct class names if you enable Flutter obfuscation which makes sentry integration useless.
It is up to you. I don't value obfuscation that much.
Compiled flutter code is already hard to read.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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