Share Plus | Coderz Product


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share plus

share_plus #

A Flutter plugin to share content from your Flutter app via the platform's
share dialog.
Wraps the ACTION_SEND Intent on Android, UIActivityViewController
on iOS, or equivalent platform content sharing methods.
Platform Support #





Also compatible with Windows and Linux by using "mailto" to share text via Email.
Sharing files is not supported on Linux.
Requirements #

Flutter >=3.19.0
Dart >=3.3.0 <4.0.0
iOS >=12.0
MacOS >=10.14
Android compileSDK 34
Java 17
Android Gradle Plugin >=8.3.0
Gradle wrapper >=8.4

Usage #
To use this plugin, add share_plus as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Import the library.
import 'package:share_plus/share_plus.dart';
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Share Text #
Invoke the static share() method anywhere in your Dart code.
Share.share('check out my website');
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The share method also takes an optional subject that will be used when
sharing to email.
Share.share('check out my website', subject: 'Look what I made!');
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share() returns status object that allows to check the result of user action in the share sheet.
final result = await Share.share('check out my website');

if (result.status == ShareResultStatus.success) {
print('Thank you for sharing my website!');
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Share Files #
To share one or multiple files, invoke the static shareXFiles method anywhere in your Dart code. The method returns a ShareResult. Optionally, you can pass subject, text and sharePositionOrigin.
final result = await Share.shareXFiles([XFile('${directory.path}/image.jpg')], text: 'Great picture');

if (result.status == ShareResultStatus.success) {
print('Thank you for sharing the picture!');
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final result = await Share.shareXFiles([XFile('${directory.path}/image1.jpg'), XFile('${directory.path}/image2.jpg')]);

if (result.status == ShareResultStatus.dismissed) {
print('Did you not like the pictures?');
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On web, this uses the Web Share API
if it's available. Otherwise it falls back to downloading the shared files.
See Can I Use - Web Share API to understand
which browsers are supported. This builds on the cross_file
Share.shareXFiles([XFile('assets/hello.txt')], text: 'Great picture');
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Share Data
You can also share files that you dynamically generate from its data using XFile.fromData.
To set the name of such files, use the fileNameOverrides parameter, otherwise the file name will be a random UUID string.
Share.shareXFiles([XFile.fromData(utf8.encode(text), mimeType: 'text/plain')], fileNameOverrides: ['myfile.txt']);
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The name parameter in the XFile.fromData method is ignored in most platforms. Use fileNameOverrides instead.

Share URI #
iOS supports fetching metadata from a URI when shared using UIActivityViewController.
This special method is only properly supported on iOS.
Share.shareUri(uri: uri);
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Share Results #
All three methods return a ShareResult object which contains the following information:

status: a ShareResultStatus
raw: a String describing the share result, e.g. the opening app ID.

Note: status will be ShareResultStatus.unavailable if the platform does not support identifying the user action.
Known Issues #
Sharing data created with XFile.fromData #
When sharing data created with XFile.fromData, the plugin will write a temporal file inside the cache directory of the app, so it can be shared.
Although the OS should take care of deleting those files, it is advised, that you clean up this data once in a while (e.g. on app start).
You can access this directory using path_provider getTemporaryDirectory.
Alternatively, don't use XFile.fromData and instead write the data down to a File with a path before sharing it, so you control when to delete it.
Mobile platforms (Android and iOS) #
Sharing images + text
When attempting to share images with text, some apps may fail to properly accept the share action with them.
For example, due to restrictions set up by Meta/Facebook this plugin isn't capable of sharing data reliably
to Facebook related apps on Android and iOS. This includes eg. sharing text to the Facebook Messenger.
If you require this functionality please check the native Facebook Sharing SDK (
or search for other Flutter plugins implementing this SDK. More information can be found in this issue.
Other apps may also give problems when attempting to share content to them.
This is because 3rd party app developers do not properly implement the logic to receive share actions.
We cannot warranty that a 3rd party app will properly implement the share functionality.
Therefore, all bugs reported regarding compatibility with a specific app will be closed.
Localization in Apple platforms
It could happen that the Share sheet appears with a different language, as reported here.
To fix this issue, you will have to setup the keys CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations and CFBundleDevelopmentRegion in your project's info.plist.
For more information check the CoreFoundationKeys documentation.
share_plus requires iPad users to provide the sharePositionOrigin parameter.
Without it, share_plus will not work on iPads and may cause a crash or
letting the UI not responding.
To avoid that problem, provide the sharePositionOrigin.
For example:
// Use Builder to get the widget context
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () => _onShare(context),
child: const Text('Share'),

// _onShare method:
final box = context.findRenderObject() as RenderBox?;

await Share.share(
subject: subject,
sharePositionOrigin: box!.localToGlobal( & box.size,
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See the main.dart in the example for a complete example.
Learn more #

API Documentation


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