Smart Auth | Coderz Product


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smart auth

Flutter Smart Auth From Tornike & Great Contributors

Flutter package for listening SMS code on Android, suggesting phone number, email, saving a credential.
If you need pin code input like shown below, take a look at Pinput package, SmartAuth is already integrated into it and you can build highly customizable input, that your designers can't even draw in Figma 🤭
Bonus tip: 🤫 Tell your PM that you need a week to implement the feature and chill with your friends meanwhile.
Note that only Android is supported, I faked other operating systems because other package is depended on this one and that package works on every system

Features: #

Android Autofill

SMS Retriever API
SMS User Consent API

Showing Hint Dialog
Getting Saved Credential
Saving Credential
Deleting Credential

Support #
PRs Welcome
Discord Channel
Don't forget to give it a star ⭐
Getting Started #
We should set project kotlin version to 1.8.0 or above because of the new requirement for sdk 34 RECEIVER_EXPORTED. Or we would get duplicate class error in different kotlin versions.
so in the android level build.gradle file update the kotlin version like below:
// android/build.gradle

buildscript {
ext.kotlin_version = '1.8.0'
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Create instance of SmartAuth
final smartAuth = SmartAuth();
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Get the App signature
void getAppSignature() async {
final res = await smartAuth.getAppSignature();
debugPrint('Signature: $res');
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Get SMS code
void getSmsCode() async {
final res = await smartAuth.getSmsCode();
if (res.succeed) {
debugPrint('SMS: ${res.code}');
} else {
debugPrint('SMS Failure:');
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The plugin automatically removes listeners after receiving the code, if not you can remove them by calling the removeSmsListener method
void removeSmsListener() {
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Request hints to the user
void requestHint() async {
final res = await smartAuth.requestHint(
isPhoneNumberIdentifierSupported: true,
isEmailAddressIdentifierSupported: true,
showCancelButton: true,
debugPrint('requestHint: $res');
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Get saved credential
// identifier Url
final accountType = '';
// Value you want to save, phone number or email for example
final credentialId = 'Credential Id';
final credentialName = 'Credential Name';
final profilePictureUri = '';
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void getCredential() async {
final res = await smartAuth.getCredential(
accountType: accountType,
showResolveDialog: true,
debugPrint('getCredentials: $res');
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Save credential
void saveCredential() async {
final res = await smartAuth.saveCredential(
id: credentialId,
name: credentialName,
accountType: accountType,
profilePictureUri: profilePictureUri,
debugPrint('saveCredentials: $res');
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Delete credential
void deleteCredential() async {
final res = await smartAuth.deleteCredential(
id: credentialId,
accountType: accountType,
debugPrint('removeCredentials: $res');
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/// This method outputs hash that is required for SMS Retriever API []
/// SMS must contain this hash at the end of the text
/// Note that hash for debug and release if different
Future<String?> getAppSignature()
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/// Starts listening to SMS that contains the App signature [getAppSignature] in the text
/// returns code if it matches with matcher
/// More about SMS Retriever API []
/// If useUserConsentApi is true SMS User Consent API will be used []
/// Which shows confirmations dialog to user to confirm reading the SMS content
Future<SmsCodeResult> getSmsCode({
// used to extract code from SMS
String matcher = _defaultCodeMatcher,
// Optional parameter for User Consent API
String? senderPhoneNumber,
// if true SMS User Consent API will be used otherwise plugin will use SMS Retriever API
bool useUserConsentApi = false,
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/// Removes listener for [getSmsCode]
Future<void> removeSmsListener()

/// Disposes [getSmsCode] if useUserConsentApi is false listener
Future<bool> removeSmsRetrieverListener()

/// Disposes [getSmsCode] if useUserConsentApi is true listener
Future<bool> removeSmsUserConsentListener()
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/// Opens dialog of user emails and/or phone numbers
/// More about hint request []
/// More about parameters []
Future<Credential?> requestHint({
// Enables returning credential hints where the identifier is an email address,
// intended for use with a password chosen by the user.
bool? isEmailAddressIdentifierSupported,
// Enables returning credential hints where the identifier is a phone number,
// intended for use with a password chosen by the user or SMS verification.
bool? isPhoneNumberIdentifierSupported,
// The list of account types (identity providers) supported by the app.
// typically in the form of the associated login domain for each identity provider.
String? accountTypes,
// Enables button to add account
bool? showAddAccountButton,
// Enables button to cancel request
bool? showCancelButton,
// Specify whether an ID token should be acquired for hints, if available for the selected credential identifier.This is enabled by default;
// disable this if your app does not use ID tokens as part of authentication to decrease latency in retrieving credentials and credential hints.
bool? isIdTokenRequested,
// Specify a nonce value that should be included in any generated ID token for this request.
String? idTokenNonce,
//Specify the server client ID for the backend associated with this app.
// If a Google ID token can be generated for a retrieved credential or hint,
// and the specified server client ID is correctly configured to be associated with the app,
// then it will be used as the audience of the generated token. If a null value is specified,
// the default audience will be used for the generated ID token.
String? serverClientId,
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/// Tries to suggest a zero-click sign-in account. Only call this if your app does not currently know who is signed in.
/// If zero-click suggestion fails app show dialog of credentials to choose from
/// More about this,
Future<Credential?> getCredential({
// Identifier url, should be you App's website url
String? accountType,
String? serverClientId,
String? idTokenNonce,
bool? isIdTokenRequested,
bool? isPasswordLoginSupported,
// If we can't get credential without user interaction,
// we can show dialog to prompt user to choose credential
bool showResolveDialog = false,
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/// Saves a credential that was used to sign in to the app. If disableAutoSignIn was previously called and the save operation succeeds,
/// auto sign-in will be re-enabled if the user's settings permit this.
/// Note: On Android O and above devices save requests that require showing a save confirmation may be cancelled
/// in favor of the active Autofill service's save dialog.
/// This behavior may be overridden by using Auth.AuthCredentialsOptions.Builder.forceEnableSaveDialog().
/// Please see the overview documentation for more details on providing the best user experience when targeting Android O and above.
/// More about this,
Future<bool> saveCredential({
// Value you want to save
required String id,
// Identifier url, should be you App's website url
String? accountType,
String? name,
String? password,
String? profilePictureUri,
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/// Deletes a credential that is no longer valid for signing into the app.
/// More about this,
Future<bool> deleteCredential({
// Value you want to save
required String id,
// Identifier url, should be you App's website url
String? accountType,
String? name,
String? password,
String? profilePictureUri,
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