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stateful bloc
Stateful Bloc #
Extension to the Bloc library that simplifies common state transition sequences
Use case #
Stateful extension is built to support data loading and submission
patterns which are commonly implemented using Bloc.
Each one of them usually consist of the following states:
SubjectInitial, SubjectActionInProgress, SubjectActionSuccess, SubjectActionFailure
They are commonly used as follows:
SubjectInitial is the initialState set in constructor
when the action is triggered the SubjectActionInProgress is set
some logic is executed to fetch / send / transform the data
depending on the outcome SubjectActionSuccess / SubjectActionFailure is set
This extension abstracts away both the state types and their
transitions leaving only the logic to be supplied by the implementer.
Usage comparison #
Example of a generic cubit that provides state to a page, allowing it to display a loading indicator and error message
Cubit #
Pure cubit Stateful cubit
class PageCubit extends Cubit<PageState> {
PageCubit() : super(PageStateInitial());
void loadPage() {
try {
// data loading
emit(PageStateLoadSuccess(/* data */));
} catch(e) {
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class PageCubit extends Cubit
<StatefulState<PageData>> with StatefulCubit {
PageCubit() : super(StatefulState());
void loadPage() => load(body: () {
// data loading
return Outcome.finished(PageData(/* data */));
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State #
Pure cubit state Stateful state
abstract class PageState extends Equatable {
List<Object> get props => [];
class PageStateInitial extends PageState {}
class PageStateLoadInProgress extends PageState {}
class PageStateLoadSuccess extends PageState {
final String data;
const LoadSuccess(;
List<Object>? get props => [data];
class PageStateLoadFailure extends PageState {}
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// used as StatefulState<PageData>
class PageData extends Equatable {
final String data;
const PageData(;
List<Object>? get props => [data];
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Advantages #
Main advantages of using the Stateful extension:
Cubit / Bloc simplification - you don't have to worry
about states, just focus on the logic and the data it changes
State simplification - no more repeating the same inheritance tree
for each component, just focus on the data that's being provided
Uniform state types across the whole codebase - aside from
the standardization itself this makes it easier to reuse state dependent
widgets across multiple UI components (like showing a loading indicator
on ActionStatus.ongoing or an error message on ActionStatus.failed).
Maintainers #
Stanisław Góra
License #
This library is licenced under MIT License
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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