Stream Chat Flutter | Coderz Product


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stream chat flutter

Official Flutter SDK for Stream Chat #

The official Flutter components for Stream Chat, a service for
building chat applications.

Quick Links

Register to get an API key for Stream Chat
Flutter Chat Tutorial
Chat UI Kit
UI Docs
Chat Client Docs

V4 Migration Guide
For upgrading from V3 to V4, please refer to the V4 Migration Guide
Changelog #
Check out the changelog on to see the latest changes in the package.
Flutter Chat Tutorial #
The best place to start is the Flutter Chat Tutorial.
It teaches you how to use this SDK and also shows how to make frequently required changes.
Example App #
This repository includes a fully functional example app with setup instructions.
The example is available under the example folder.
Add dependency #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file, use the latest version
stream_chat_flutter: ^latest_version
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You should then run flutter packages get
Android #
The package uses photo_manager to access the device's photo library.
Follow this wiki to fulfil the Android requirements.
You need to take additional steps if you are targeting Android 13. Read this section for more information.
iOS #
The library uses flutter file picker plugin to pick
files from the os.
Follow this wiki to fulfill iOS requirements.
We also use video_player to reproduce videos. Follow this guide to fulfill the requirements.
To pick images from the camera, we use the image_picker plugin.
Follow these instructions to check the requirements.
Web #
For the web, edit your index.html and add the following in the <body> tag in order to allow the SDK to override the right-click behaviour:
<body oncontextmenu="return false;">
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MacOS #
For MacOS use the file_selector package.
Follow these instructions to check the requirements.
You also need to add the following entitlement:
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Troubleshooting #
It may happen that you have some problems building the app.
If it seems related to the flutter file picker plugin make sure to check this page
Docs #
This package provides UI components required for integrating Stream Chat into your application.
Alternatively, you may use the core package stream_chat_flutter_core which allows more customisation and provides business logic but no UI components.
If you require the maximum amount of control over the API, please use the low level client package: stream_chat.
UI Components #
These are the available Widgets that you can use to build your application UI.
Every widget uses the StreamChat or StreamChannel widgets to manage the state and communicate with Stream services.


Customizing styles #
The Flutter SDK comes with a fully designed set of widgets that you can customize to fit with your application style and typography.
Changing the theme of Chat widgets works in a very similar way that MaterialApp and Theme do.
Out of the box, all chat widgets use their default styling, and there are two ways to change the styling:

Initialize the StreamChatTheme from your existing MaterialApp style

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
final StreamChatClient client;


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final theme = ThemeData(

return MaterialApp(
theme: theme,
builder: (context, child) => StreamChat(
child: child,
client: client,
streamChatThemeData: StreamChatThemeData.fromTheme(theme),
home: ChannelListPage(),
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Construct a custom theme and provide all the customizations needed

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
final StreamChatClient client;


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final theme = ThemeData(

return MaterialApp(
theme: theme,
builder: (context, child) => StreamChat(
child: child,
client: client,
streamChatThemeData: StreamChatThemeData.fromTheme(theme).copyWith(
ownMessageTheme: MessageTheme(
messageText: TextStyle(
color: Colors.white,
avatarTheme: AvatarTheme(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
home: ChannelListPage(),
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Offline storage #
To add data persistence you can extend the class ChatPersistenceClient and pass an instance to the StreamChatClient.
class CustomChatPersistentClient extends ChatPersistenceClient {

final client = StreamChatClient(
apiKey ?? kDefaultStreamApiKey,
logLevel: Level.INFO,
)..chatPersistenceClient = CustomChatPersistentClient();
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We provide an official persistent client in the (stream_chat_persistence)[] package.
import 'package:stream_chat_persistence/stream_chat_persistence.dart';

final chatPersistentClient = StreamChatPersistenceClient(
logLevel: Level.INFO,
connectionMode: ConnectionMode.regular,

final client = StreamChatClient(
apiKey ?? kDefaultStreamApiKey,
logLevel: Level.INFO,
)..chatPersistenceClient = chatPersistentClient;
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Contributing #
We welcome code changes that improve this library or fix a problem,
please make sure to follow all best practices and add tests if applicable before submitting a Pull Request on GitHub.
We are pleased to merge your code into the official repository.
Make sure to sign our Contributor License Agreement (CLA) first.
See our license file for more details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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