Timer Button | Coderz Product


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timer button

Timer Button #

A versatile Flutter package that provides a timer button widget, which becomes enabled after a
specified time delay.

Overview #
A customizable button widget capable of activation after a designated time interval.
Getting Started #

Open your project's pubspec.yaml file.
Add the timer_button package to your dependencies, replacing [version] with the latest

sdk: flutter
timer_button: ^[version]
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Run flutter pub get to fetch the package.

Import the Package #
import 'package:timer_button/timer_button.dart';
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Usage #
To use the Timer Button, follow these steps:

Set the button type. There are six types to choose from:

ElevatedButton (buttonType: ButtonType.elevatedButton) - default
TextButton (buttonType: ButtonType.textButton)
OutlineButton (buttonType: ButtonType.outlineButton)
Custom (buttonType: ButtonType.custom)

Specify the button label using label: "Your Label".

Set the timeout duration in seconds with timeOutInSeconds: 20.

Customize the button's color using color: Colors.deepPurple.

Define the disabled color with disabledColor: Colors.red.

Example #
Default Timer Button:
label: "Try Again",
timeOutInSeconds: 5,
onPressed: () {
log("Time for some action!");
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With TimerButton.builder: You can customize the button's appearance by passing a builder
builder: (context, timeLeft) {
return Text(
"Custom: $timeLeft",
style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.red),
onPressed: () {
log("Time for some action!");
timeOutInSeconds: 5,
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Issues and Source Code #
For reporting issues and accessing the source code, visit
our GitHub Repository.
Contributing #
We welcome contributions in various forms:

Proposing new features or enhancements.
Reporting and fixing bugs.
Engaging in discussions to help make decisions.
Improving documentation, as it is essential.
Sending Pull Requests is greatly appreciated!

A big thank you to all our contributors! 🙌


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