Trackierfluttersdk | Coderz Product


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flutter sdk #
Table of Content #
Integration #

Add Trackier SDK to your app

Add the SDK
Adding Android install referrer to your app
Add required permissions
Update Pod Dependencies

Implement and initialize the SDK

Retrieve your dev key
Initialize the SDK
Associate User Info during initialization of sdk

Track Events

Retrieve Event Id from dashboard
Track Simple Event
Track with Currency & Revenue Event
Add custom params with event

Proguard Settings

Add Trackier SDK to your app #
Add the SDK #
Run this command:
With Flutter:
$ flutter pub add trackierfluttersdk
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This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml
trackierfluttersdk: ^1.0.1
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Then navigate to your project in the terminal and run:
$ flutter packages get
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Adding Android install referrer to your app #
Add the Android Install Referrer as a dependency. You can find the latest version here
dependencies {
// make sure to use the latest SDK version:

implementation ''
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Add required permissions #
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />

<!-- Optional : -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
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Update Pod Dependencies #
For iOS app make sure to go to ios folder and install Cocoapods dependencies:
$ cd ios && pod install
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Implement and initialize the SDK #
Retrieve your dev key #

Initialize the SDK #
Import the following libraries

import 'package:trackierfluttersdk/trackierfluttersdk.dart';
import 'package:trackierfluttersdk/trackierconfig.dart';
import 'package:trackierfluttersdk/trackierevent.dart';
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Important: it is crucial to use the correct dev key when initializing the SDK. Using the wrong dev key or an
incorrect dev key impact all traffic sent from the SDK and cause attribution and reporting issues.

Inside the class, inside initPlatformState function , initialize SDK
TrackerSDKConfig trackerSDKConfig = new TrackerSDKConfig("xxxx-xx-4505-bc8b-xx", "production");
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The first argument is your Trackier Sdk api key.
The second argument is environment which can be either “development” and “production”
After that pass the sdkConfig reference to TrackierSDK.initialize method.

Assosiate User Info during initialization of sdk #
To assosiate Customer Id , Customer Email and Customer additional params during initializing sdk
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Note #
For additional user details , make a map and pass it in setUserAdditionalDetails function.
var userAdditonalDetail = Map<String, Object>();
userAdditonalDetail["phoneNumber"] = 9876453210;
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The first method is to associate user Id in which
The second method is to associate user email in which

Track Events #
Retrieve Event Id from dashboard

Track Simple Event #
TrackierEvent trackierEvent = new TrackierEvent("eventID");
trackierEvent.orderId = "orderID";
trackierEvent.param1 = "param1";
trackierEvent.param2 = "param2";
trackierEvent.setEventValue("ev1", "eventValue1");
trackierEvent.setEventValue("ev2", 1);
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Argument in Trackier event class is event Id which you want to call event for.
You can associate inbuilt params with the event , in-built param list are below:- orderId, currency, currency, param1, param2, param3 ,param4, param5, param6, param7, param8, param9, param10

Track with Currency & Revenue Event #
TrackierEvent trackierEvent = new TrackierEvent("eventID");
trackierEvent.revenue = 10.0;
trackierEvent.currency = "INR";
trackierEvent.orderId = "orderID";
trackierEvent.param1 = "param1";
trackierEvent.param2 = "param2";
trackierEvent.setEventValue("ev1", "eventValue1");
trackierEvent.setEventValue("ev2", 1);
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Add custom params with event #
var eventCustomParams = Map<String, Object>();
event.ev = eventCustomParams
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First create a map
Pass its reference to event.ev param of event
Pass event reference to trackEvent method of TrackerSDK

Proguard Settings #
If your app is using proguard then add these lines to the proguard config file
-keep class com.trackier.sdk.** { *; }
-keep class {
-keep class {$Info getAdvertisingIdInfo(android.content.Context);
-keep class$Info {
java.lang.String getId();
boolean isLimitAdTrackingEnabled();
-keep public class** { *; }
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