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Lightweight UDP library for Dart.
Usage #
A simple usage example:
import 'package:udp/udp.dart';
main() async {
// creates a UDP instance and binds it to the first available network
// interface on port 65000.
var sender = await UDP.bind(Endpoint.any(port: Port(65000)));
// send a simple string to a broadcast endpoint on port 65001.
var dataLength = await sender.send("Hello World!".codeUnits,
Endpoint.broadcast(port: Port(65001)));
stdout.write("$dataLength bytes sent.");
// creates a new UDP instance and binds it to the local address and the port
// 65002.
var receiver = await UDP.bind(Endpoint.loopback(port: Port(65002)));
// receiving\listening
receiver.asStream(timeout: Duration(seconds: 20)).listen((datagram) {
var str = String.fromCharCodes(;
// close the UDP instances and their sockets.
var multicastEndpoint =
Endpoint.multicast(InternetAddress(""), port: Port(54321));
var receiver = await UDP.bind(multicastEndpoint);
var sender = await UDP.bind(Endpoint.any());
receiver.asStream().listen((datagram) {
if (datagram != null) {
var str = String.fromCharCodes(datagram?.data);
await sender.send("Foo".codeUnits, multicastEndpoint);
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:5));
copied to clipboard
Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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