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uri to file
uri_to_file #
A Flutter plugin for converting supported uri to file. Supports Android & iOS.
Supported Uri Schema
content:// (Android Only)
Schema supported by File.fromUri(uri)
Get started #
Add dependency #
uri_to_file: ^1.0.0
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Super simple to use #
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:uri_to_file/uri_to_file.dart';
Future<void> convertUriToFile() async {
try {
String uriString = 'content://sample.txt'; // Uri string
// Don't pass uri parameter using [Uri] object via uri.toString().
// Because uri.toString() changes the string to lowercase which causes this package to misbehave
// If you are using uni_links package for deep linking purpose.
// Pass the uri string using getInitialLink() or linkStream
File file = await toFile(uriString); // Converting uri to file
} catch (e) {
print(e); // Exception
copied to clipboard
Important note #
Don't pass uri parameter using [Uri] object via uri.toString(). Because uri.toString() changes the string to lowercase which causes this package to misbehave
If you are using uni_links package for deep linking purpose. Pass the uri string using getInitialLink() or linkStream
Check out the full example:
Working example #
Background #
content:// (Android Only)
uri_to_file creates a temporary file using the content:// uri with the help of native channel that stores this file in the application directory.
All the others uri are handled by flutter sdk itself with the help of
Copyright & License #
MIT License
Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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