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value extensions
value_extensions #
Set of extensions on ValueListenable that allows to use it as Streams in the Rx way.
This package contains transformers, convenience objects & methods, and Widgets to integrate all listed entities into your Widgets.
Motivation #
Generally, there are two PubSub approaches for Widgets in Flutter: Streams and Listenables. Streams are widely used and can be good in some situations and are very powerful, but they come with a price: boilerplate.
To have a stateful Stream with a getter of its last value it is needed to:
Create a StreamController
Expose a Stream
Create a mutable cache variable
Expose a getter of that variable
Every time the cached value is mutated, the new value must be added in the Sink
And to use it in Widgets through StreamBuilder, it also needed to provide both the stream argument and the initialValue argument.
That's a lot of code.
ValueListenables, on the other hand, are a lot simpler and need a lot less code. But they lack Stream's power – it's hard to make derived notifiers, dispose of them automatically, subscribe and cancel subscriptions, and integrate them without crazy nesting in UI. Value Extensions solves this problem.
Getting started #
Down are listed all extensions with the use cases. For further information, visit API Reference or the Example.
Utility extensions #
Those extensions provide base functionality: creating, setting, subscribing, and disposing of Notifiers.
Set #
.set(...) extension provides a better API for setting ValueNotifier's value to another and is strictly equivalent to the default .value setter. Using the .set method is more concise and states the intent a bit better. The following two examples are equivalent:
someNotifier.value = 10;
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Update #
.update((current) => ...) extension provides a better API for setting ValueNotifier's value when the new value depends on the previous one.
Consider this example:
int timesTwo(int x) => x * 2;
/// Traditional
someNotifier.value = timesTwo(someNotifier.value);
/// Extension
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Subscribe #
ValueListenable provides subscription functionality out of the box, but it is a bit tricky to get information about their status and cancel them. This extension provides functionality for these cases.
final subscription = someValueListenable.subscribe(print);
print(subscription.isCanceled); // Prints 'false'
someValueListenable.set((_) => 10); // Prints 10
print(subscription.isCanceled); // Prints 'true'
someValueListenable.set((_) => 100); // Does not print
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It is also possible to pause and resume a subscription.
Extract value #
Sometimes, there is a need to convert a Stream to a ValueListenable. This extension does exactly that.
final stream = Stream.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (second) => second);
final secondsPassed = stream.extractValue(initial: 0);
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Transformers #
The next section focuses on the transformation of the ValueListenables. They implement the Iterator pattern and copy Stream's methods, so when base ValueListenable changes – derived ValueListenables will change too.
Map #
Creates a new ValueListenable, deriving its value from the base one using the transform function.
final stringNotifier = ValueNotifier('Hello');
final lengthListenable = => value.length); // 5
stringNotifier.update((hello) => '$hello, World!'); // lengthNotifier value becomes 13
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Flat map #
Works like map but transform function must return another ValueListenable instead of regular value, recomputing its value whenever the ValueListenable on which the flatMap was called changes.
final intNotifier = ValueNotifier(0);
final stringNotifier = ValueNotifier('Hello!');
final lengthListenable = => string.length);
final isShowingInt = ValueNotifier(true);
final currentValue = isShowingInt.flatMap((isInt) => isInt ? intNotifier : lengthListenable);
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Where #
Creates a new ValueListenable by filtering base ValueListenable's values, not including the first one.
final intNotifier = ValueNotifier(1);
final evenListenable = intNotifier.where((value) => value.isEven); // 1
final oddListenable = intNotifier.where((value) => value.isOdd); // 1
// evenListenable: 2
// oddListenable: 1
intNotifier.update((value) => value + 1);
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Combine latest #
Creates a new ValueListenable by combining its value with other's value and feeding the pair to the transform function.
final word = ValueNotifier('Flutter');
final isUppercased = ValueNotifier(false);
final textListenable = word.combineLatest<bool, String>(
(word, isUppercased) => isUppercased ? word.toUpperCase() : word,
); // Flutter
isUppercased.set(true); // textNotifier value becomes FLUTTER
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Parallel with #
Wrapper around the .combineLatest(...) extension. Packs latest values of the ValueListenable in a tuple. Useful in Widgets to avoid nestings of ValueListenableBuilders or .bind calls.
final intNotifier = ValueNotifier(0);
final boolNotifier = ValueNotifier(false);
final paralleled = intNotifier.parallelWith(boolNotifier); // (0, false)
intNotifier.update((current) => current + 1); // paralleled becomes (1, false)
boolNotifier.set(true); // paralleled becomes (1, true)
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Widgets integrations #
The last section focuses on Widgets integrations.
Both Streams and ValueListenables are intended to be displayed in the UI through Builders. The only problem is – builders are pretty verbose. To "bind" a single observable variable to some Widget, one must type around 86 characters. Value Extensions reduces this number to around 23 characters or almost 4 times less!
Bind #
To bind a ValueListenable to a Widget, the .bind(...) extension is used.
Consider these two examples: using ValueListenableBuilder and .bind(...).
valueListenable: nameNotifier,
builder: (context, name, child) => Text("Hello, $name!"),
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(name) => Text("Hello, $name!"),
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The .bind(...) extension uses ValueListenableBuilder inside, so it results in the same efficient targeted rebuilds, but with less code to type.
Note – the .bind(...) extension used on the ValueListenable obtained from the .parallelWith(...) extension automatically destructures its value in the builder callback.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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