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vcr2 #
A package to mock requests using Dio Client, supports nullsafety.
Forked from the original vcr & maintained, it's a drop-in replacement.
Getting Started #
To start using, just create a adapter and put inside your client
This is a example with Dio client:
VcrAdapter adapter = VcrAdapter();
Dio client = Dio();
client.httpClientAdapter = adapter;
copied to clipboard
After config the adapter, you now can use a cassette
Response response = await client.get('');
expect(response.statusCode, 200);
copied to clipboard
Now the request is stored in test/cassette/github/user_repos.json
If you have multiple requests for one test, they will be added in a list of requests
If de adapter can't find the right request, he will make a normal request and then store the request
This package is inspired by VCR gem
Next Features
❌ Work with Http Package
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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