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vector tile query
Dart Vector Tile Query #
A Dart package to query reverse geocoding on a set of vector tile protobuf files (pbf or mvt).
Using vector tiles that were parsed by dart-vector-tile.
✅ Get a list of the features closest to a query point.
✅ Get polygons that contain a point (radius=0).
Sample usage #
import 'package:vector_tile_query/vector_tile_query.dart';
List<QueryTile> tiles = [
tile: await VectorTile.fromPath(path: '../data/13-6525-3847.pbf'),
x: 6525,
y: 3847,
z: 13,
tile: await VectorTile.fromPath(path: '../data/13-6525-3848.pbf'),
x: 6525,
y: 3848,
z: 13,
ReverseQueryOption option = ReverseQueryOption(
radius: 20,
limit: 10,
geometryTypes: [VectorTileGeomType.POINT],
layers: ['poi', 'housenumber', 'building', 'park'],
dedupe: true,
List<double> point = [
]; // lon - lat
var result = reverseQuery(point: point, queryTiles: tiles, option: option);
copied to clipboard
Result item structure: #
class ResultItem {
GeoJson geoJson; // GeoJson data
VectorTileFeature feature; // Raw vector tile feature data
double distance; // Distance to query point
copied to clipboard
GeoJson sample data:
VectorTileFeature sample data:
Example use cases: #
Reverse geocoding to find housenumber, road, suburb and city of a point by given a set of satisfy tiles:
1) Find set of specific zooms for specific feature level. (OSM zoom levels)
14: housenumber, poi and road.
13: suburb.
12: city
2) Find map tile xy number from a lon/lat pair and above zoom:
3) Run a set of query to find satisfy result 🍺
Get polygons that contain a point:
Set query radius to 0. see example code
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