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virtual device
Virtual Device #
Manage one or many iOS simulators and Android emulators
Setup #
This package expects several commands to be in the shell:
xcrun for iOS
adb, avdmanager, and emulator for Android
Command Line Tools installs xcrun, but Android requires updating the PATH:
# your ANDROID_HOME may vary; this is usually the install path on Mac machines
export ANDROID_HOME="$HOME/Library/Android/sdk"
export PATH="$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$ANDROID_HOME/tools"
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Usage #
import 'package:virtual_device/virtual_device.dart';
final simulators = await IosSimulator.availableDevices();
await simulators.first.start();
// Virtual Device will increment your simulator names, so you don't need to
// specify them. This would become `iPad Air 2:14.2:1`, but if it were run
// again, the created device would be named `iPad Air 2:14.2:2`.
final newSimulator = IosSimulator(
model: 'iPad Air 2',
os: OperatingSystem.iOS,
osVersion: '14.2',
await newSimulator.createOrStart();
// shutdown
await newSimulator.stop();
// clean
await newSimulator.wipe();
// start again
await newSimulator.start();
await newSimulator.stop();
// destroy
await newSimulator.delete();
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Command Line #
Make the command globally available:
pub global activate virtual_device
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And use it to create or run simulators:
virtual_device create -p ios -v 14.2 -m "iPad Air 2"
virtual_device start -p ios "iPad Air 2:14.2:1"
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For a complete list of models and versions available on the machine, run virtual_device list models or virtual_device list versions.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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