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wallet hd coins
wallet_hd_coins #
wallet_hd #
A Flutter package project , it is use for HD wallet .
Support BTC, ETH, ERC20,TRC,TRC20 transfer signature..
Getting Started #
Add this line to pubspec.yaml
wallet_hd_coins: ^1.0.1
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Examples #
import 'package:wallet_hd/wallet_hd.dart';
void main() async {
WalletHdCoins.mnemonicW = "artist arch bitter prize infant canal abuse art bronze interest aerobic solid";
WalletHdCoins.isTestNetWork = true;
var coinCore = WalletHdCoins.allCoinCores["BTC"];
var coinEth = CoinsBtc();
String sRz = await coinEth.getXpub();
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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