Wallet Hd Pro | Coderz Product


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wallet hd pro

wallet_hd_pro #
A Flutter package project , it is use for HD wallet . Support BTC, ETH, ERC20-USDT transfer signature. (用于 HD 钱包,支持 BTC、ETH、ERC20-USDT 转账签名).
Getting Started #
Add this line to pubspec.yaml ( 添加这一行到 pubspec.yaml)
wallet_hd_pro: ^0.0.2
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How To Use #
Use the class WalletHd
Properties and functions:
/// 创建随机助记词 | Create Random Mnemonic
static String createRandomMnemonic

/// 导入助记词,返回[btc地址 , eth地址] | Import mnemonic words and return [btc address, eth address]
static Future<Map<String, String>> getAccountAddress

/// ETH 导入助记词返回私钥 | ETH import mnemonic phrase and return private key
static EthPrivateKey ethMnemonicToPrivateKey

/// BTC 导入助记词返回私钥wif | BTC import mnemonic phrase and return private key wif
static String btcMnemonicToPrivateKey

/// BTC转账 | BTC transfer
static Future<String> transactionBTC

/// ETH转账 | ETH transfer
static Future<String> transactionETH

/// ERC20USDT转账 | ERC20USDT transfer
static Future<String> transactionERC20USDT
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Examples #
import 'package:wallet_hd/wallet_hd.dart';

void main() async {
String mnemonic = WalletHd.createRandomMnemonic();
Map<String, String> mapAddr = await WalletHd.getAccountAddress(mnemonic);
String btcAddr = mapAddr["BTC"];
String ethAddr = mapAddr["ETH"];
String toAddress = "input the to address ...";
String amount = "0.1";
String btcTxPack =
await testTransactionBTC(mnemonic, btcAddr, toAddress, amount);
String ethTxPack =
await testTransactionETH(mnemonic, ethAddr, toAddress, amount);
String erc20USDTTxPack =
await testTransactionERC20USDT(mnemonic, ethAddr, toAddress, amount);

Future testTransactionBTC(
String mnemonic,
String fromAddress,
String toAddress,
String amount,
) async {
List unspandList = [
{"txid": "0x12312313aaaaaaaaa", "output_no": 11, "value": "0.2323"},
{"txid": "0x12312313bbbbbbbbb", "output_no": 12, "value": "0.2323"},
List pendingList = [
{"txid": "0x12312313aaaaaaaaa", "value": "0.2323"}
double fee = 0.0002655;
List handledUnspandList = unspandList;
// 如果未确认交易列表不为空,则要从unspands list中去除待确认的交易 | If the list of unconfirmed transactions is not empty, remove the pending transactions from the unspands list
if (pendingList.isNotEmpty) {
pendingList.forEach((e) {
handledUnspandList.removeWhere((x) => e["txid"] == x["txid"]);
List<BitcoinIn> unspand = handledUnspandList
(e) => BitcoinIn(e["txid"], e["output_no"], double.parse(e["value"])))

String txPack = await WalletHd.transactionBTC(
mnemonic, fromAddress, toAddress, amount, fee, unspand);
print("btc txPack");

Future testTransactionETH(
String mnemonic,
String fromAddress,
String toAddress,
String amount,
) async {
String gasPrice = "113000000000";

/// 新创建的账号初始none是-1 | the new account nonce is -1
int nonce = -1;
String txPack = await WalletHd.transactionETH(
mnemonic, fromAddress, toAddress, amount, gasPrice, nonce);
print("eth txPack");

Future testTransactionERC20USDT(
String mnemonic,
String fromAddress,
String toAddress,
String amount,
) async {
String gasPrice = "113000000000";

/// 新创建的账号初始none是-1 | the new account nonce is -1
int nonce = -1;
String txPack = await WalletHd.transactionERC20USDT(
mnemonic, fromAddress, toAddress, amount, gasPrice, nonce);
print("eth txPack");

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