What3words | Coderz Product


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w3w-dart-wrapper #
A Dart library to use the what3words v3 API.
API methods are grouped into a single service object which can be centrally managed by a What3WordsV3 instance. It will act as a factory for all of the API endpoints and will automatically initialize them with your API key.
To obtain an API key, please visit https://what3words.com/select-plan and sign up for an account.
Installation #
The artifact is available through pub.dev. Update your pubspec.yaml file with
what3words: 3.1.0
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Documentation #
See the what3words public API documentation
Usage #
Import #
Import the what3words library
import 'package:what3words/what3words.dart';
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Initialise #
Use the following code with your API key to initialize the API:
var api = What3WordsV3('what3words-api-key');
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In the case that you run our Enterprise Suite API Server yourself, you may specifty the URL to your own server like so:
var api = What3WordsV3.withEndpoint(
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Additionally, if you run the Enterprise Suite API Server there is another named constructor to support this. Use this if you need to send custom headers to your own server:
var api = What3WordsV3.withHeaders(
{'x-header-1': 'value-1', 'x-header-2': 'value-2'});
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Example convert to coordinates #
// For all requests a what3words API key is needed
var api = What3WordsV3('what3words-api-key');

// Create and execute a request to obtain a grid section within the provided bounding box
var coordinates = await api.convertToCoordinates('index.home.raft').execute();

if (coordinates.isSuccessful()) {
print('Coordinates ${coordinates.data()!.toJson()}');
} else {
var error = coordinates.error();

if (error == What3WordsError.BAD_WORDS) {
// The three word address provided is invalid
print('BadWords: ${error.message}');
} else if (error == What3WordsError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) {
// Server Error
print('InternalServerError: ${error.message}');
} else if (error == What3WordsError.NETWORK_ERROR) {
// Network Error
print('NetworkError: ${error.message}');
} else {
print('${error.code} : ${error.message}');
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