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yandex dictionary api
Yandex Dictionary Api #
Package to access the Yandex.Dictionary API over HTTP.
Getting Started #
In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:
yandex_dictionary_api: ^latest
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Import it:
import 'package:yandex_dictionary_api/yandex_dictionary_api.dart';
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Usage Examples #
Create the Yandex Dictionary API object as follows.
final yandexDictionaryKey = YandexDictionaryKey(apiKey: '');
final yandexDictionaryApi = YandexDictionaryApi(key: yandexDictionaryKey);
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You can call 2 functions with yandexDictionaryApi: getLangs and lookup.
Returns a list of translation directions supported by the service.
final getLangsResponse = await yandexDictionaryApi.getLangs();
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The lookup service can be used with the language list returned from here.
Searches for a word or phrase in the dictionary and returns an automatically generated dictionary entry.
final lookupRequest = YandexLookupRequest(lang: 'en-ru', text: 'hello');
final result = await yandexDictionaryApi.lookup(lookupRequest);
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Error Handling #
API throws YandexDictionaryException in incorrect cases.
Thrown when invalid API key.
Thrown when this API key has been blocked.
Exceeded the daily limit on the number of requests.
The text size exceeds the maximum.
The specified translation direction is not supported.
Thrown when unknown error cases.
For more API documentation #
visit offical API documentation
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