Yodaplus Py 0.9.1 | Coderz Product

yodaplus-py 0.9.1

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yodapluspy 0.9.1

Yodaplus-py, a fork of gnosis-py, includes a set of libraries to work with XDC and Yodaplus projects.

EthereumClient, a wrapper over Web3.py Web3 client including utilities to deal with ERC20/721
tokens and tracing.
Yplus Vault classes and utilities.
Django serializers, models and utils.

Quick start
Just run pip install yodaplus-py or add it to your requirements.txt
If you want django ethereum utils (models, serializers, filters…) you need to run
pip install yodaplus-py[django]
If you have issues building coincurve maybe
you are missing some libraries

Ethereum utils


class EthereumClient (ethereum_node_url: str): Class to connect and do operations
with a ethereum node. Uses web3 and raw rpc calls for things not supported in web3.
Only http/https urls are suppored for the node url.

EthereumClient has some utils that improve a lot performance using Ethereum nodes, like
the possibility of doing batch_calls (a single request making read-only calls to multiple contracts):
from gnosis.eth import EthereumClient
from gnosis.eth.contracts import get_erc721_contract
ethereum_client = EthereumClient(ETHEREUM_NODE_URL)
erc721_contract = get_erc721_contract(self.w3, token_address)
name, symbol = ethereum_client.batch_call([
If you want to use the underlying web3.py library:
from gnosis.eth import EthereumClient
ethereum_client = EthereumClient(ETHEREUM_NODE_URL)


NULL_ADDRESS (0x000...0): Solidity address(0).
SENTINEL_ADDRESS (0x000...1): Used for Gnosis Safe’s linked lists (modules, owners…).
Maximum an minimum values for R, S and V in ethereum signatures.

Contains utils for ethereum operations:

get_eth_address_with_key() -> Tuple[str, bytes]: Returns a tuple of a valid public ethereum checksumed
address with the private key.
generate_address_2(from_: Union[str, bytes], salt: Union[str, bytes], init_code: [str, bytes]) -> str:
Calculates the address of a new contract created using the new CREATE2 opcode.

Ethereum django (REST) utils
Django utils are available under gnosis.eth.django.
You can find a set of helpers for working with Ethereum using Django and Django Rest framework.
It includes:

gnosis.eth.django.filters: EthereumAddressFilter.
gnosis.eth.django.models: Model fields (Ethereum address, Ethereum big integer field).
gnosis.eth.django.serializers: Serializer fields (Ethereum address field, hexadecimal field).
gnosis.eth.django.validators: Ethereum related validators.
gnosis.safe.serializers: Serializers for Gnosis Safe (signature, transaction…).
All the tests are written using Django Test suite.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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