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youtube scrape api
YouTube Scrape API #
Forked from
A Flutter package for fetching complete data from YouTube. Supports Search, Trending, Channels, Playlists and Video Data.
Features #
Search Video, Playlist, Channel on YouTube with (Unlimited Videos With Loading More) feature.
Get Video Data, Id, Thumbnail, Channel Name, Views, Likes, Description
Get Related Videos with a video
Get Playlist Videos with (Loading More) feature
Get Channel complete data (Name, Id, Banner, Avatar, Videos Count, Subscribers Count, Videos with (Loading More) feature)
Search Suggestions
Get Trending Videos based on your ip country (Trending, Music, Gaming, Movies).
Usage #
To use this plugin, add youtube_scrape_api as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Example #
To search for videos or channels or playlists
String query = "Wegz";
YoutubeDataApi youtubeDataApi = YoutubeDataApi();
List videoResult = await youtubeDataApi.fetchSearchVideo(query);
if(element is Video){
Video video = element;
} else if(element is Channel){
Channel channel = element;
} else if(element is PlayList){
PlayList playList = element;
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To get trending videos
YoutubeDataApi youtubeDataApi = YoutubeDataApi();
List<Video> videos = await youtubeDataApi.fetchTrendingVideo();
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To get gaming, music, movies videos on trend
List<Video> trendingMusicVideos = await youtubeDataApi.fetchTrendingMusic();
List<Video> trendingGamingVideos = await youtubeDataApi.fetchTrendingGaming();
List<Video> trendingMoviesVideos = await youtubeDataApi.fetchTrendingMovies();
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To get suggestion search queries
String query = "El Joker";
List<String> suggestions = await youtubeDataApi.fetchSuggestions(query);
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To get video data
VideoData? videoData = await youtubeDataApi.fetchVideoData(videoId);
String? videoTitle = videoData?.video?.title;
String? videoChannelName = videoData?.video?.username;
String? viewsCount = videoData?.video?.viewCount;
String? likeCount = videoData?.video?.likeCount;
String? channelThumbnail = videoData?.video?.channelThumb;
String? channelId = videoData?.video?.channelId;
String? subscribeCount = videoData?.video?.subscribeCount;
List<Video?>? relatedVideos = videoData?.videosList;
copied to clipboard
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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