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Zarinpal Package for dar & flutter, support android and ios
آموزش استفاده از پکیج به زبان شیرین پارسی
Zarinpal WebSite
Usage #
A simple usage example:
import 'package:zarinpal/zarinpal.dart';
main() {
// Initialize payment request
PaymentRequest _paymentRequest = PaymentRequest()
..setIsSandBox(true) // if your application is in developer mode, then set the sandBox as True otherwise set sandBox as false
..setMerchantID("Zarinpal MerchantID")
..setCallbackURL("Verfication Url callbacl"); //The callback can be an android scheme or a website URL, you and can pass any data with The callback for both scheme and URL
String _paymentUrl = null;
_paymentRequest.setAmount("integar Amount");
_paymentRequest.setDescription("Payment Description");
// Call Start payment
ZarinPal().startPayment(_paymentRequest, (int status, String paymentGatewayUri){
if(status == 100)
_paymentUrl = paymentGatewayUri; // launch URL in browser
ZarinPal().verificationPayment("Status", "Authority Call back", _paymentRequest, (isPaymentSuccess,refID, paymentRequest){
// Payment Is Success
// Error Print Status
copied to clipboard
Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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