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zenosshipchat 0.2.0
Command suitable in use for Zenoss notification commands for sending events to hipchat.
Simply install using your preferred python package manager with
pip install zenoss-hipchat
for the latest release, or
pip install -e git+
for the latest development version.
In Zenoss go to Events -> Triggers and create a trigger with
the rules for which you want to send events to hipchat. Of course you
can use an existing trigger as well. For more detailed guide on
triggers and notifications see the community documentation.
After you have a trigger you wish to use, go to notifications and
create a new notification. Set the Id to something memorable like
HipChatErrors or similar and choose Command as the action.
After creating the notification, edit it. On the Notification tab
configure it as you see fit, but you are generally going to want to
make sure it is enabled, and that you have added the Trigger you
created earlier. The command does support clear messages, so go ahead
and check that option if you like.
Now on the Content tab of the notification paste the following
into the Command field:
zenoss-hipchat --device="${evt/device}" --info=${evt/summary} --component="${evt/component}" --severity=${evt/severity} --url="${urls/eventUrl}" --message=${evt/message}
And if you want to use the clear option, for the clear command:
zenoss-hipchat --device="${evt/device}" --info=${evt/summary} --component="${evt/component}" --severity=${evt/severity} --url="${urls/eventUrl}" --message=${evt/message} --cleared-by="${evt/clearid}" --clear
You also need to provide the room and API token using the
Environment variables field with something like:
HIPCHAT_TOKEN=<APIv1 Token>;HIPCHAT_ROOM=<Room Name (or ID) to post to>
replacing the values with ones appropriate for you.
Additional Environment Variables
In addition to HIPCHAT_TOKEN and HIPCHAT_ROOM which are
required, you can also override other options with the following
optional environment variables:
HIPCHAT_API_V1_ENDPOINT - Allows you to override the API
endpoint if you are using private HipChat
HIPCHAT_FROM - Defaults to Zenoss, and determines who the
messages appear to be coming from.
HIPCHAT_TIMEOUT - Defaults to 3 seconds, but if you have a slow
connection to the HipChat server it can be increased or decreased.
HIPCHAT_NOTIFY_SEVERITY - Defaults to Error and above (4), but
can raised or lowered and determines which events trigger the
HipChat notification.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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