Zibal Django 1.1 | Coderz Product

zibal-django 1.1

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zibaldjango 1.1

A Django app for bank payments by Zibal (https://zibal.ir/)
Detailed documentation is in the “docs” directory.

Quick start
### 0. install
`sh pip install requests pip install zibal-django `
### 1. start
Add “zibal” to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
### 2. migrate
Run python manage.py migrate to create the zibal models.
### 3. admin
Start the development server and visit for Purchase historys Model in admin.
### 4.Instructions
For each transaction you first need to request and then confirm it.
For this operation, you can use 2 methods : request and callback.
You can use the Request method anywhere in the project. For the callback method, it is recommended to write once in a view with a fixed address and always use it.
See the GitHub page of the project for more information https://github.com/mohammad3020/django-zibal


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