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zinnia flutter
zinnia_flutter #
A dart wrapper around zinnia library.
Zinnia (日本語) is a simple, customizable and portable online hand recognition system based on Support Vector Machines.
It can be used to recognize handwritten Japanese characters (漢字).
Model files can be found here.
Example #
var modelByteData = await rootBundle.load('assets/joyo-kanji.model');
var recognizer = ZinniaRecognizer()
var character = ZinniaCharacter(100, 100);
character.add([const Point(10, 50), const Point(90, 50)]);
character.add([const Point(50, 10), const Point(50, 90)]);
var list = recognizer.classifyToList(character, resultsLimit: 3);
list == [
ZinniaResultEntry('十', 0.5172672867774963),
ZinniaResultEntry('七', -0.3905687928199768),
ZinniaResultEntry('斗', -0.5770313143730164)
copied to clipboard
Flutter application example can be found here.
License #
License information for this wrapper, zinnia and model files can be found in LICENSE file.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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