Zotdb Flutter | Coderz Product


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zotdb flutter

ZotDB, is constantly improving opensource project which tries to provide all functionalities same as firebase RTDB.
the ZotDB server can be hosted anywhere on any device.
It's best tool for people having a store, can use this and
don't have to pay for any bandwidth.
Features #

One can host the server on any device, and can create as many servers as they want just from a single file.

Getting started #

The Main class is ZotDB, to initiate the class please use init() method.
Usage #

Example available at /test folder.
To initiate:-
ZotDB zotDB = ZotDB.init("ws://<serverip>:<port>/<dbid>");
//dbid is the root name of your json, for more details please see server logs
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To navigate to some path:-
//there are server ways to navigate through your db like:-
ZotDB zotDB = ZotDB.init("ws://<serverip>/dbid").child("abc/xyz/xyz1");

// or
// or

//note that the above path reference will be reset everytime
// you called method to listen values or set/update values.
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To Listen to Single Value:-
// snap returns an object, which you can cast to Array, String,
// etc according to your need.
zotDB.addSingleValueEventListener((snap) {
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To update some value:-
//let's say we have JSON:-
// "ssdd": {
// "abc": {
// "xyz": {
// "xyz1": "ayo"
// }
// }
// }
// }

//so setValue will set (or update value if exists) some value to "hie".
//in this case the json will become:-
// "ssdd": {
// "abc": {
// "xyz": {
// "xyz1": "hie"
// }
// }
// }
// }
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To remove Value:-
//this will remove value at 'abc/xyz/xyz1'
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To get unique key:-
String uid = zotDB.getPushKey();
//please check test folder for more details
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Additional information #

This is licenced under GNU (GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE) 3.0

RTDB is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0
Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making
available complete source code of licensed works and modifications,
which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same
license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors
provide an express grant of patent rights.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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