Integrates Spatie Laravel-media-library with Modelarium and GraphQL
Doctrine ORM/ODM reader and writer for Port
Scaffolding of laravel migrations
Plugin documentation
Vitya CMS template
A constant-time, variable-workload chunking tool with Doctrine2 integration
A Laravel package for using structs with Laravel including attribute casting.
DB addon
Complete dashboard module with login and lock page with material designed template
Laravel photo module
Laravel extension package for douyin,toutiao,xigua
MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter for Doctrine 2
Integration of tesseract bridge via FFI and CLI
Weekly updated database of IP CIDR to Country codes, indexed by the first 1/4th of the IP address
A collection of classes to QR enccode strings and render them as PNG, TIFF and vectorized EPS.
Roles and rules for larevel users
Irfan's Database - A bare-minimum and simple database access
An asynchronous and observable event driven PHP framework for easily building fast and scalable network applications.
Official Simfoni interface for Laravel PHP applications.
A pz module for Docker Compose
A very simple and safe PHP library that provides methods to handle HMAC in applications.
A deadsimple module to use v-tooltip in your Modern Magento 2 Vue Projects
Auto register routes using PHP attributes
A simple and secure database abstraction layer which utilizes the PDO interface and supports working with multiple databases.
Mensagens de resposta para os status http
Magento 2 Developer Toolbar
Make certain plugins required so that they cannot be (easily) deactivated.
Arikam CMS mailer drivers.
TheliaSentry module for Thelia
a dingtalk robot message handle for send message
Geo component of the Cultural Heritage Framework
Dynamic tokens for statically cached forms in Statamic v3
The laravel-form-builder's Tailwind 2 template.
Displaying verbose messages
The Embedded Expression Language (Eel) is a building block for creating Domain Specific Languages
EasyOrderManager module for Thelia
Helps CMS Users navigate through tabs in Elemental CMS Interface by providing clickable links to switch tabs.
Kazakh-speaking stand-alone PHP number to words converter
TencentCloudApi php sdk dlc
Wanphp Composer library installer
Integration of QBank DAM for TYPO3
Laravel Livewire components library.
API-client for churchtools
Dump and die (dd) as known in Laravel for Tracy (Nette Framework debugger).
The api functions from weclapp in php.
Common schema
advanced-form extension for Contao Open Source CMS
Export Table definition to spreadsheet by artisan command.
ActiveRecord Database ORM layer for MySQL
PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing word processing documents (OOXML, ODF, RTF, HTML, PDF)
Mailer for PHP Framework HLEB2
Do something to see the posts of a discussion.
Allows to add CSP domains on the Admin
The extension allows you to create URL links that will automatically add a coupon code for your customer to the...
Aymakan PHP SDK
Wrapper for PHP's GD Library for easy image manipulation
TYPO3 Extension that allows to reference database records in the site configuration
Universal PHP admin quick development library for asset file
A custom module for (Magento 2)
TencentCloudApi php sdk eis
Silverstripe call to action element
A simple PHP api for creating ACF Custom Field Groups
High level API for working with the Netflex Foundation PDF generator
Scaffolding for recursively creating migration models and relationships between them
Schedule artisan commands to run using a sub-minute frequency
Customize API around the Guzzle HTTP client
Text or string manipulation
A set of 3 PHP Algorithm Challenges found at interviews.
The "Clinic Portfolio Website" is a web-based application developed to showcase a clinic's services, team, and other relevant information. This...
The "QR Code Generator" is a web-based application designed to create QR codes easily and efficiently. Developed using PHP and...
The "Bookstore Management System" is a web-based application designed to streamline the operations of a bookstore. Developed using PHP and...
The "E-Voting System" is a web-based application developed using pure HTML and PHP to facilitate secure and efficient electronic voting....
The "Summernote Text Editor CRUD and Image Upload in Laravel" project is a web application that integrates the Summernote WYSIWYG...
AWS Cognito package that allows Auth and other related features using the AWS SDK for PHP
Filter emails registering your Flarum site with whitelist, blacklist and even regular expressions.
TencentCloudApi php sdk eiam
Add rgxp to validate given IBAN or BIC. This is available for form fields.
Rooms Plugin for NetCommons3
QuickBooksOnline OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
基于Dcat Admin的SKU扩展增强版
a wrapper for FidelyNET loyalty service API
Elcodi Core Component
A Laravel Nova field.
Create a markdown table string from an associative array.