A PHP version of concurrently built atop ReactPHP and RxPHP.
Convert strings to different cases
thinkcmf6 route
LeadVertex plugin for access tools
Extends the file logging changing the output to JSON format. It's a useful extension to integrate with FileBeat and ELK...
Package for loading, saving and accessing config settings.
PHP client for Monobank API
Interact with a SQL Database
Laravel backend package for Ckeditor 5 with simple upload plugin
Laravel logger.
Laravel models for the Kroll KCP Data Feed.
2 step verification of google authenticator for your yii2 application
Edoras Formatting - BBCodes
string helper function
crud generator
PHP SDK for the DNS Made Easy API
Exception interfaces for spitfire
Vetmanager - CRM for veterinary. This is library for conveniently work with Vetmanager REST API.
Load and save data from and to various data formats
Hintable extension for atk4 libraries
LeadVertex plugin information component
Laravel Favicon Generator
A PHP Library that allows you to decode and manipulate CAdES or in other words CMS Advanced Electronic Signatures described...
Symfony base service methods
Ibexa Platform color picker field type
Handy additional features for Twig within symfony 2
Magento 2 multiple wishlist module
Validator is a server side data validation library for PHP. We can validate html form-data, objects, arrays and json etc.
Implementation monolog library using laminas service manager and other libs
send data to api service site
YooKassa driver for Omnipay payment processing library
Functional primitives for PHP
help to export various format output
Simple JSON wrapper for better experience working with json data
Just add ServiceProvider for YandexObjectStorage
Lenient and simple front matter parser, that only supports very simple cases.
It provides auxiliary functions to solve the problem of Turkish characters when converting text to lowercase and uppercase in php.
PHP generator for ABO file format
FAQ Tags bundle for Contao Open Source CMS
Common objects used by other phptailors/phunit-* packages
Support package.
Message Queue Bundle
Parse DSN
Pacote com helpers para suporte de aplicações lliure
Simple Buffer for iterating over an iteratable and regularly applying a callback.
ODBC driver for Laravel 6.x
Package for Dotpay payments via api instead of form
Monolog Zend Expressive integration
Enqueue Null transport
Silverstripe Module that gets the Geo IP address for a website using cloudflare
Пакет для работы с облаком cloud.mail.ru
Message Bus Pattern implementation library
Simple way cache
Pacote de emissão de nota fiscal de serviço GINFES adaptado de Potello potelo/nfse-ssa
Slim Application
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you.
Laminas Database Wrapper
Logging to Loki for Laravel
Mindy Pagination Component
WordPress hook documentation parser
Client for the Transpais webservice
Override functions through aspects
Responses for HTTP Provider abstraction
Library to build valid Auto-Lead Data Format ADF/XML leads.
Laravel admin
Vitya PHP content management system components
Miczone thrift for php
Jedem Element, welches die Klasse ivp (in view port) hat, werden die Klassen iivp (is in view port) und wivp...
Library for managing CogniFit user accounts
A set of abstractions used in the Zestic API
Dcat Admin 分步表单扩展
Generic PDF merger for Laravel
Laravel Record Processor
Give it a nice description!
Ergonode - Importer Ergonode
Riot DataDragon API wrapper for PHP8
Wind framework log component.
Wind framework coroutine database component.
A Constant Value Class implementation
This package is more customizable alternative of default nova's date filter
extension to manage HTML items in TAO
Custom DBAL Type for TinyInt
A CakePHP plugin helping in the upgrade process from 1.x or 2.x to the latest stable release
A string builder library providing different string methods written in PHP.
for laocc/esp debug
Adds the modules used for the Drupal remote Dashboard.
PHP events library
Faceted Search Indexer for the Organiser table news. Page for the detail view must have a xBlog plugin.