Admin Panel which is developed by JSON Yazilim for Laravel Framework
TencentCloudApi php sdk essbasic
Log changes to Laravel models
Automatic audio link to minimal player.
Laravel package for logging with Loki
A standalone ESI (Eve Swagger Interface) Client Library using kevinrob/guzzle-cache-middleware
Schedule featured status for discussions
One of the fastest PHP router, using a radix trie to retrieve routes
Piko framework base
Magento 2 Payment module from Gr4vy
a bunch of classes you can use in your projects
This package provides the standard xero functionality for syncing timesheets from your app to Xero.
This Laravel Nova package allows you to reorder models in a Nova resource's index view using drag & drop (forked...
Blocks IP from accessing the website when multiple login attempts fail
Add featured discussions widget for Featured Discussions extension
survery form
PHPFlasher - A powerful & easy-to-use package for adding flash messages to Laravel or Symfony projects. Provides feedback to users,...
Wraps a SilverStripe SQLQuery in a SS_List
Communication component for Laminas using Symfony Messenger and Notifier
This package provides base functionality for linking a user with Xero
Symfony bundle to upload files with Dropzone.js
my site settings
A TidyPHP is a micro Framework for build fast and tidy web applications
Splits YAML files
Compares the image
SNILS validation and formatting class for PHP.
A client library for the API.
Queue, preview and and send emails stored in the database
Retrieve the correct sizes for a responsive image based on its intrinsic width and its width on screen
Composer-based PHP-CS-Fixer phar
PHP library to create, display, and grade exams.
This is my package laravel-webp
Some extensions classes/services to simplify build api
A micro ORM for Pachyderm
Right alignment and centering on Flarum
A mirgation manager for any PHP application.
A Symfony bundle that integrates 'prerender' services, i.e. rendertron or
A tool to efficiently upsert a database without having to relly on a primary id.
Geonames importer and models for Eloquent ORM. This repo is a fork from Yurtesen/Geonames.
An inflection library.
This package provides the standard Xero functionality for submitting leave applications to Xero
A PHP client library for accessing Ghost's APIs
Instagram Package for Laravel
Database library for Tiat Framework
An eBay SDK for PHP. Fork of dts/ebay-sdk-php with support for PHP 8.
Encrypt response laravel appliction
A prototype generator to quickly generate prototypes based on nodetype definitions.
A logging library.
Sitemap and sitemap index builder for Jigsaw.
Cookie consent management for Laravel projects
Toggle secondary tags from the discussion hero.
Essentials for getting started with PSR-6 and PSR-16 caching.
The Laraigniter Framework.
Sends your logs over a ZeroMQ (ØMQ) socket.
Takes an arabic or roman numeral and returns the corresponding conversion.
Api wrapper for pterodactyl
A directory manager for PHP applications.
This is a PHP library for sm2 encrypt decrypt and sm3 hash
Loading and managing configuration data for PHP applications.
A fast, all-inclusive, flat-file CMS for simple websites and blogs
Posts publishing plugin
Vite integration for the Kirby CMS
e-Social library
Common é parte do projeto E-Social.
Convierte un número en letras en texto plano, formatos financieros, bancarios, contables.
The Laravel Framework.
Powerful URL shortening tools in Laravel
用于扩展DcatAdmin, 增加腾讯地图选点表单组件
An efficient data validator for PHP
A simple way, to be able to build a query into a Laravel model, through a http request
Laravel crud generator
LYRASOFT portfolio package
ksyunApi php sdk
PHP SDK for Criteo API 0.0.241029 version
A Bundle for OroCommerce to provide application level geo-detection using the maxmind db
A collection of Deployer tasks to use with WordPress sites.
LYRASOFT member package
Create Trello cards from Flarum discussions
Allows you to log to the database
TencentCloudApi php sdk ivld
Reduce the boilerplate code required to get forms in Laravel to have Bootstrap styling
Monadic Doctrine repositories helper classes and services.
Persistent settings package for Laravel framework.
Set a Contracts and Behaviors for any kanvas app that manages user generated content
A plugin to override _Panel_ and _Plugin_ translations.
This package is for building easy to do Myanmar phone number in laravel.