Image manipulation via URLs for Laravel
PHP library to get HTTP status code messages and definitions.
TencentCloudApi php sdk region
Tools to use full-text search PostgreSQL in Doctrine.
Mutex for Laravel Console Commands. poweredby divulgawhats
TencentCloudApi php sdk pts
fof/upload VolcEngine ImageX support.
Yii2 extension that provides client-side hyphenation of HTML documents
agora token 和 接口请求
A PHP SDK for the LogSnag API
A Laravel Nova field.
A base
Simple blog package (with admin panel) for Laravel (6.x and 7.x). Includes all views, controllers, routes and can add a...
This is to integrate bigbluebuton api to laravel
Provides entity types and configuration for the photo gallery feature.
Add a default template of elemental blocks as defined per page type.
Forked. A class to listen for and handle Instant Payment Notifications (IPN) from the PayPal server.
Nette component for paginate items
Nette component for filter items
Osynapsy datastructure
CMS Components: Roles & Permission
Php wrapper for khalti integration
Highly opinionated PHP toolchain.
DI friendly wrappers for common encoders.
A command line utility to transform sql files into database seeders
Provides simple functionality for protecting fields in sonata admin
Official theme for landy system on badaso
Nette forms integration into component.
Phalcon framework authorization plugin
Add support for the USING directive in join constraints for Laravel query builder
Contract interface for setting the Symfony Runtime Context
Osynapsy Psr is implementation of Psr7 interface
Cliente Laravel para autenticar con servicio OAuth2 de ClaveÚnica del Gobierno de Chile
This package provides a neat way to interact with the official Datadog PHP SDK.
Astuteo helper for testing and monitoring projects.
Package to manage headers with Laravel
A Craft CMS widget that displays the disk usage on your server
mak curl
Adds Ckeditor plugin which converts Youtube iframe embeds to support cookie consent
API Request for Multiple source With GuzzleHttp
Manage your All-Inkl account with the KAS API for PHP
Relational database component for the Monolith framework.
Provides property encryption and hashing for Doctrine Entities when used within Laminas
Integrate with Dotdigital using Flow Builder actions.
Adds a simple read-only Highlight.js pseudo-field to FilamentPHP
Limb5 PHP framework
File manager with path abstraction and file registry, storage solution.
Basit Trendyol PHP API
A laravel package to check for broken links in database content
Compile and protect your php code from been stolen. No risk deployments to client's servers
Utility Object
A CMS start kit for websites, built on Filament and Laravel.
Convert dates
To generate a WSDL content from classes
Package for Laravel projects for read secrets from file. Second feature is to prevent to show secrets in logs.
A Laravel Nova tool to manage QR code.
Laravel Money
Functions for converting roman algarisms to integer and vice versa
This package provides a neat way to generate Open-Graph tags.
More info available on:
EDC version of Laravel helper for
pdfMatrix Laravel SDK
Laravel wrapper for Network international payment gateway
Lite Query Builder for PHP
PHP Library to generate QR Code payload for PromptPay
CleanTalk APBCT Server Variables classes
A basic PSR-14 implementation using a priority queue
A base command and set of useful traits/support classes for Laravel or Laravel Zero commands.
A extended version of the laravel blade engine so it can be used on any textual.
Event calendar for the Silverstripe CMS
PhotoSwipe integration
CleanTalk APBCT Sanitizing/Escaping/Validating variables classes
CleanTalk APBCT Antispam classes
Laravel menu builder
Web profiler in the browser for php application
The Indexing API allows any site owner to directly notify Google when pages are added or removed
Biblioteca Útil Adianti/PHP
Tools for developing and hosting CollectiveAccess projects.
wrapper for Strapi headless CMS
Custom DBAL Type for SmallInt
PHP Wrapper for Telegram Bot API
Web3 for Flarum
Tiny php framework
Simple helper for interacting with Mastodon's API
Show additional author information on a reader page
A simple MediaWiki extension to give you control over the HTML title and meta tags via a tag or parser...
Yii2 extension for mobile device detection with Mobile-Detect library
YouCanPay packages for Laravel that provides an easy way to reach the best experience.
Laravel Localization in JavaScript