Google Charts for Laravel Livewire 3
Generic PHP PHAR compiler
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you.
PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing word processing documents (OOXML, ODF, RTF, HTML, PDF)
PHP API for Customer.io with v2 support
Easy imports and exports in FilamentPHP using laravel-excel
A simple RTF to Plain Text Converter using regular expressions. Support for PHP, Python, Javascript and CSharp
Provides a simple API for authenticating users against a CAS server
Adds CAS support to Laravel 5.x - 10.x
Devtool for Laravel Nova Development
The installation profile for municipality by Silfi.
Adminhtml Advanced Product Filter for OpenMage 20.x & Magento 1.9.x similar to promo rules.
Escape key JS package for Bear Framework
Transposes HTML tables.
Upload large attachments to Nextcloud and automatically create share link
TrioMobil API Library
Arvento API Library
A plugin for Kirby CMS to add modification timestamps to css and js files
Simple integration with Goalserve API for Laravel
thinkphp api 项目提供一个规范统一的响应数据结构
The debugger extension for the Yii framework
A PHP wrapper for Zbar. Decodes images/photos containing QR codes.
Magento 2 MSI Disabler
bitset-php is a reimplementation of std::bitset that allows PHP to interface with C++.
Drop & Drag page builder with tons of components of tailwind & vuejs
Verwendet flexImages als Galerie.
Faqs for NetCommons Plugin
Paranoid text spacing in JavaScript
Google Recaptcha Plugin For Phalcon Framework
Angela Encryption Extension
Guzzle client for WordPress.org APIs
WeWork API SDK, 企业微信接口客户端SDK封装
This is my package auth
A Blog extension for softspring cms
A library to parse raw HTTP requests for PHP CLI web servers and more.
A Laravel package for extracting IPTC and EXIF data from images
Laravel FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) Notification Channel
PSR-16 Yii2 Adapter
Doctrine Behavior Traits for symfony 7+
Invoices Generator and Management for Tomato PHP
Symfony integration with phpBB
Symfony Bundle to add AnyContent Backend to any Symfony project
Kernel of Aatis
The Adorably Simple OpenAI Wrapper
This bundle enhances contao accordions.
Easy to build/use livewire forms.
Build beautiful forms together with our Architect package
zinc search engine PHP SDK
Basit Trendyol PHP API
Quickrep, a PHP reporting engine for Laravel
This package allows you to generate the env files needed in production by retrieving data from AWS Secret Manager
A Laravel Nova package that allows you to create/update/delete nested related fields from a parent form.
Package to make online payment using DPO Group
Basic area bricks to create Pimcore documents for landing pages, Web2Print documents or complete websites
CQRS Basic symfony bundle
Use relative links to expose local bedrock to the web using ngrok.
TencentCloudApi php sdk lcic
This is my package laravel-team-management
A CMS start kit for websites, built on Filament and Laravel.
This library loads/saves php array from/to a configuration file.
This package provide basic middleware and error handler for laravel api project
Laravel package for Paytabs payment gateway
File manager with path abstraction and file registry, storage solution.
A User can block another User
AdmiralCloud connector
Toolset for generating PHP code
A PHP Library to provide integration with transaction.cloud
Bundle for support of Loggable AOP annotation
Bundle for support of Transactional AOP annotation
Adds AOP capabilities to Symfony6
thinkphp jwt auth composer
Tokopedia Partner API PHP SDK
Project contains fundamental interfaces for iFrost Symfony Api.
PHP Exception based on error_get_last()
The Fomo Framework
Creating HTML tags with attributes easily.
Laravel Eloquent relationships with JSON keys
A simple database layer for easy development
pdfMatrix Laravel SDK
A Laravel package to create simple sitemaps
ImageShop DAM Integration for CraftCMS
DMP Rest bundle
Webman plugin onlyoung4u/as-api
Webman plugin fly-cms/webman-crontab
switch the current shop in a running process. - warning use with care see readme file
Mail features.