Bulk price edit plugin for Sylius.
Icon font generated from https://simpleicons.org
A mail driver to quickly preview mail
PHP Report Library
PHP Javascript Repository
A template engine to render html tree
A php agent for Elastic APM v2 Intake API
Order Tracker management bundle
Drupal module to create custom output for the DARIAH CONSENT WEBFORM
Demo module
Render a block in twig
Cross Site Request Forgery security component.
Symfony PUGXMultiUserBundle
In-memory filesystem adapter for Flysystem.
A library that gets data from the mioga.finances.gouv.fr website
Yet Another PHP Framework v2
Return formated image by style.
This project contains the API for the communication with the agrirouter. Everything you need for the onboarding process, secure communication...
Flysystem adapter for SFTP
Loads values from AWS Parameter store and uses them to generate a .env file
Asynchronously load css
ZIP filesystem adapter for Flysystem.
FTP filesystem adapter for Flysystem.
Logs security events to a configurable sink for further processing with support for reverse proxy configurations.
A library that implements the php-extended/php-api-fr-gouv-finances-mioga-interface library
Google Cloud Storage adapter for Flysystem.
Percobaan bikin kalkulator
Queued Worker Enviroment (worker tasker), easy deployment with docker in 3 easy steps.
The Queue plugin for CakePHP provides deferred task execution.
ElasticSearch service for minimalism
Lock a user account and disable login after a given number of consecutive failed attempts.
Providing the official of Amazon Product Advertising API v5 SDK for PHP as composer package.
VersionMacros for Latte
Styles for the Bristol SU Portal
PHPMailer but only for GMail
Cron manager for PHP
Module designer for Uccello.
Laravel client for DebugHost API
PHP integration for Tolgee localization framework
Handling Appstore server to server notifications
Copy php `.env` variables to or from Heroku environment variables
drag and drop menu generator like wordpress for laravel 5
User subscribe/unsubscribe behaviour for Laravel.
Get social share links for 10+ platforms easily.
WP HtmlBlocks plugin
Framework agnostic UTM parameters helper
ACDHCH extension THEME for VuFind/AkSearch
This package is a SDK for handling actions on AirLST Core (e.g. Webhooks, API Calls, ...)
Laravel Package for locations in markets
Tollbridge.co service provider for Laravel Socialite authentication.
Flysystem Adapter for the OneDrive API
Zend Framework 2 Module that provides class resolving components for Athene2
A yii2 widget for form wizard, to create a multistep form.
SmartWaste API library
Symfony3|4|5 application versioning, simple console command to manage version (with providers e.g. git tag) of your application using Semantic Versioning...
Custom config for PHP Static Analysis Tool
Symfony Bundle to generate barcodes within Twig
Generic Map Helper
A Laravel Nova blue theme.
Wrapper for IGDB API v4
magento 2 module which displays products based on skus entered from admin panel
Library Mailchimp
A simple web tool for generating easy to remember one time codes.
A Laravel Nova slider field.
Laravel Package for Ecommerce Checkouts
Sistema de respuestas de Tom
Disable add to cart button on your website
Laravel Package for Vouchers :package_description Gift Certificates
Prueba de packagist y librerias.
This package allows you to activate the auto-complete in the IDE for native functions from the extension: PHP Parallel.
BehPardakht Mellat for payment gateway
qihucms scan recharge.
Executable directives to filter values in lists.
Interfaces that helps to describe extension
A centered div container for metabase iframe
Standalone component that facilitates rate-limiting functionality. Also provides a middleware designed for API and/or other application endpoints.
PSR-7 Middleware that determines the scheme, host and port from the 'X-Forwarded-Proto', 'X-Forwarded-Host' and 'X-Forwarded-Port' headers and updates the Request's...
API клиент для абстрактного (вымышленного) сервиса комментариев example.com
AlleAktien Quantitativ Contao bundle
JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel and Lumen
Runs local environment for the project
Html snippet for displaying rating
Html snippet for displaying pagination
A library to parse Windows Bitmap files
PHP API for shopify
Robotusers CakePHP Excel plugin
RESTful image server that handles image storage/transformations and metadata
Logs data for page views and automatically deletes them after configured time.
API para a emissão de guias GNRE para a SEFAZ