This package help to generate unique random strings base on the length provided and the character types.
Symfony bundle which creates a dedicated Monolog log file for each command or message handler.
It is widget to yii2 framework to clone form elements in a nested manner, maintaining accessibility.
Manage WHM and cPanel servers with PHP
Lightweight url shortenner
Laravel stubs on steriods
mile is a simple file manipulation library
Laravel cPanel/WHM API Package.
add prefix to eloquent tables
Laravel A/B experiment testing tool normal and revisioned way
ACDHCH THEME for VuFind/AkSearch
Pusaka Http
Search in model
Adds a cp-listing component to Statamic v3 for control panel lists
Just a placeholder package
Just a placeholder package for PixelgradeLT
The June Framework Base On Laravel.
Laravel cashbox module
The latency logger project. Store ICMP latency in time series database and project graphs in Grafana
A Laravel Admin Package for The Control Group to make your life easier and steer your project in the right...
Generate image srcset automatically
Titus version of the PHP SDK for the Nitrapi RESTful API.
Menu Builder Tool for Laravel Nova.
API scaffolding with searching and filtering interfaces.
A SoapClient wrapper integration for Laravel
Distributed multi-reader lock using MongoDB
A Drupal CLI. A tool to generate boilerplate code, interact with and debug Drupal.
A simple example of a divide and conquer algorithm: merge sort. Example is used to explain the divide and conquer...
BayWa r.e. LUSY Tools
BK Sanitizers is a community-developed, free and open source library for sanitizing user data in PHP.
Drupal Console English Language
Bootstrap for own e-commerce solution
ProLite PL-M2014R protocol
Wrapper around VFS for easier creation temporary directory
Generate beautiful API documentation from your Laravel application
PHP SDK for working with FLying Events API
HTML printer for Dog, a simple code documentation generator.
This package provides a migration module for yawik. Migrate database changes.
LmcUser Authentication for Laminas Api Tools
Uses Dingo/API Request Query Parameters to filter Laravel Models
The Laravel 8 backend for a genealogy website.
A more enjoyable local development experience for Gentoo Linux.
A Slim Framework skeleton with SlimController, Idiorm, Twig, Compass and Bootstrap
Perform unit conversions in PHP
Implementation of SessionHandlerInterface for encrypted sessions using the session ID as the key. Includes abstract class and a filesystem implementation.
PHP package download the image or video on Instagram
PHP SDK for Shopify API
a yii2 extension to make simple to use queue.
Anax weather module.
Collision is a Yii extension that provides a set of classes for collision detection.
The PHP SDK for the ReviewPack API
My shared PHP style rules for PHP-CS-Fixer
Laravel Gust is a backend agnostic VueJS authentication frontend for Laravel.
MonitoMkr - just a personal project
MonitoLib - just a personal project
Projeto teste - Curso Composer - UpInside
Module for weather forecast
A set of useful Laravel builder macros.
Provides Client for Polaris ILS API
Create fake team data
UEditor for lumen PHP Package by
Example web application
Dummy module
A utility package for logging in as other users
Laravel Apollo Client
Small library implementing registry, logging and events
Simple State Machine
Package for extend core system from codeigniter 3
A prometheus exporter for Laravel
huizhonglianhe test
Filesystem fetcher library
qixinyun contract sdk
image upload and validate by exif
The Laravel Framework.
Laravel model caching.
Laravel Google Merchant Products API for Google Shopping.
A Laravel Nova Katex field.
PHP Duration Type
Prototype for your CLI note presentation
A light-weight image manipulation library aimed at thumbnail generation by Ian Selby <>
Laravel hybrid SPA response helpers.
Monolog formatter with timestamp in milliseconds and caller information
Guzzle http client implementation for Convoworks
Polyel PHP Framework
BashCache Bundle
Magento 2 deployment tool based on