PHP library to obfuscate JS files
Removes as much as possible from your vendor dir when space or number of files is important
The real true only api engine
Subframe PHP microframework
HTML5 boilerplate in symfony2 with twig. Add security tools. Add Quality Tools.
OpenDBAL is an alternative for Doctrine DBAL.
A jQuery plugin autocomplete.
ReactPHP Client for SMPP
Provides ability in Twig templates to determine if an action is being requested
A simple csv parser for php.
A simple PSR-4 router
Your Package Description here
ABANDONED - use the web service or self-hosted project
xy-imframe kernel
PHP library for interacting with the Mindbody Online API
OAuth2 Server for Yii2
Adds a system of integrations with other services for Laravel
Distributed tracing wrapper for php
MvcCore Example - Blog.
nacos clent.
Laravel 5 mobilpay wrapper around omnipay with omnipay-mobilpay driver
An extension for Magento 2 Mageplaza Social Login extension which expose an APIs to login via social media access tokens
Akismet Library
A set of useful classes for PHP developers
This bundle checks against a list of reserved names, & some variants
Framework Silex modificado para utilização em projetos da Net On
This package provides an extension for Codeception to create Jira issues automatically when a test fails.
Parse and validate domain names.
PHP frame for payment system
FastyBird VerneMQ auth plugin
Various exception classes with some extra information such as HTTP Status Codes and HTTP Status Messages.
Library cli
drag and drop menu generator like wordpress for laravel 8
Flash message service OAuth2 Provider for Laravel Socialite
bootstrap v3主题
Itspire Common - Serializer
Enhances CoCart's cart REST API response.
A controller for finding products.
Laravel Nova resource tool to view user's data from intercom
Package for internal company
PHP File Dateabase base on json.
Testing per composer wd
Automatic locale/language management for URLs.
Integration package for Leadbusters API
Package to connect with PIX Api from Gerencianet
Adds an other-gender option to OXID eShop.
A modern PHP library for generating shipping information
hello world
OkDollar driver for the Omnipay payment processing library
A simple hello world composer package
AliyunOSS filesystem for Laravel
A diagram workflow builder.
Un package simple en php pour l'integration de l'api MTN Mobile Money
Simple PHP Router with no dependencies
The Boxalino Real Time User Experience (RTUX) API integration guidelines
Library for payments in VEF (Bsf.) in Venezuela.
Minimal Laravel authentication scaffolding with Blade and Bootstrap.
It is a wrapper over Youtube Api v3 which simplifies functionalities the laravel way.
Cherish admin is a component of laravel, vue, element build backend system.
Google authenticator
Module to remove front-end side of InstantPurchase Magento 2 module
demo psr0
Yii2 extension that adds shopping cart functions
Show custom alertboxes on defined pages in Contao 4.
Sample library published to packgiist
Storybook development + Webpack Build + Wordpress theme
PHP cURL wrapper
Pacote para gerenciamento de cronjobs automatizados
JMS Metadata extension for RollerworksSearch
The Official PHP SDK for QuickBooks Online Accounting API
Library that provides a way to access non-public elements
laravel easy sms.