Framework Silex modificado para utilização em projetos da Net On
Stellt eine Maske zur Registrierung für Veranstaltungen bereit.
simple wrapper for easy pandoc handling
A comprehensive MIME and file extension tool for PHP.
This package provides an extension for Codeception to create Jira issues automatically when a test fails.
Yii 3 application template
Basic theme v.2.0
Projeto que busca os cursos no site da Alura
Web Media Gallery display for photos, videos, music, and docs
Provides search in static site via indextank search engine
A library which waiting for coroutine to end for Hyperf.
PHP function extracts a substring with a specified length starting from a location in the Myanmar Language input.
Laravel Thumbnail generator
A progressive backend implementation of Laravel authentication system with bells and whistle.
Integration with New Zealand Couriers DispatchIT system.
Pay online through telr payment gateway
A fork of tymon/jwt-auth
Guzzle based on Guzzlehttp
The OpxCore config repository interface.
Provides country and country subdivision datamodels, along with data.
Show AbarFlexi evidence data as DataTable
Html2Pdf is a HTML to PDF converter written in PHP5 (it uses TCPDF). OFFICIAL PACKAGE
Export the data from a query builder or raw select query into csv directly, eliminating overhead on php and in...
it's a basic Management panel
The composer plugin for EngineCore extension installer
dsn helpers class
this is a compose test
Librería PHP para interactuar con el webservice de AFIP (Argentina -> factura electrónica).
Yii2 tag/category module
Flash message service
JSON Web Token Authentication plugin for OctoberCMS with Lovata.Buddies
Laravel freeradius
phOMXPlayer - OMXPlayer wrap shell script
Script to backup to the usual Yandex Disk
Simple api client wrapper without throwing exceptions with statuscodes
Integrate SilverStripe shop sales with google analytics.
Simple yet powerful PHP language management class.
Itspire Http Common
CRON for PHP: Calculate the next or previous run date and determine if a CRON expression is due
Itspire Exceptions
Itspire Exceptions - Serializer
A controller for finding products.
Itspire Exceptions - Mappers
Itspire Exceptions - Adapters
Itspire Common - Adapters
A collection of Code Quality tools for CI integration, and various git hooks
Package to create repositories for each model and using pipeline in filters
WordPress project setup with Klyp hummingbird theme
Quick and high performance IO read and write
PHP wrapper for AutoRemote
Powerful PHP database abstraction layer (DBAL) with many features for database schema introspection and management.
Laravel Http logger
php redis queue library
Colorbox is a lightweight customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery.
Laravel Nova resource tool to view user's data from intercom
laravel (>=8)
FluentPDO is a quick and light PHP library for rapid query building. It features a smart join builder, which automatically...
Set of Yii2 extension
My test package for home work
This is a self-made micro mvc framework core for learning framework concepts.
A short description of what your package does
laravel swoole集成,
A simple package to generate sidebar for admin dashboard, preset for adminLte
Powerful URL shortening tools in Laravel
Localisation interfaces, classes and factory
haimianbao insurance SDK
Provide a metric endpoint to be pulled by Prometheus
Package for internal company